How to Plan a Stress-Free Senior Move in 5 Easy Steps

professional organizing help brings a stress-free environment to any senior move.

Embarking on a senior move can often feel overwhelming. Yet, achieving a stress-free senior move is not just a dream; it’s entirely possible with the right approach. This guide breaks down the process into five manageable steps, offering practical advice and compassionate insights. Transitioning to a new home in your golden years should be an experience filled with positivity and ease. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge but also the tools necessary to navigate this change smoothly. Embrace this new chapter with confidence, knowing that a well-planned move can lead to a comfortable and enjoyable future.

Step 1: Start Early and Plan Ahead

Starting a journey toward senior relocation demands early preparation and thorough planning. Firstly, establish a realistic timeline. Starting several months in advance allows for a systematic approach, reducing last-minute pressures. Organize tasks into manageable chunks, setting weekly or monthly goals. This approach helps tackle the move systematically, preventing overwhelming feelings.

Furthermore, create a comprehensive checklist. Include everything from sorting belongings to setting up utilities at the new residence. A detailed list serves as a roadmap, guiding each step of the elder’s relocation process. Regularly reviewing and updating this list ensures nothing slips through the cracks.

using a checklist for a senior move will create a stress-free environment for all involved.

A thorough list acts as a route, directing a stress-free senior move procedure at every turn.

Also, consider involving family or professional organizers. Their support can be invaluable, especially in handling physically or emotionally challenging tasks. Collaborating with loved ones or experts lightens the workload and provides emotional support during this significant life change.

Finally, stay flexible. Unexpected challenges may arise, and being adaptable is crucial. Adjusting the plan as needed while keeping the ultimate goal in sight aids in a smoother transition for seniors moving to a new home.

Starting early and thoroughly planning sets the foundation for a successful, less stressful senior move. This proactive approach also transforms the relocation experience into a positive new chapter for elders.

Step 2: Downsizing and Decluttering

Embarking on a senior relocation journey requires strategic planning and an early start. Initiating the process well in advance minimizes stress and offers ample time for careful decision-making. It’s crucial to create a detailed timeline, breaking down the move into manageable steps. This approach allows for a well-organized transition.

Equally important is to declutter before your relocation. Sorting through belongings can be a substantial task, but it’s essential for a smoother move. Start by categorizing items into what to keep, donate, or discard. This step simplifies packing and ensures that your new home isn’t cluttered with unnecessary items.

Craft a comprehensive checklist that includes key tasks such as hiring movers, updating addresses, and arranging utilities at the new residence. This list acts as a roadmap, guiding you through each phase of the move.

Seek input and assistance from family members or close friends. Their support can be invaluable in managing the workload and making tough decisions.

Lastly, consider the emotional aspects of moving. Acknowledge the feelings associated with leaving a familiar place and embrace the excitement of starting a new chapter. This mindset shift is crucial for a positive and fulfilling relocation experience.

making a senior move stress free by using a certified Senior Move Manager

Make sure to label every box with its contents and the room it belongs in the new house.

Step 3: Packing and Organizing Belongings

As you approach your relocation, efficient packing and organization become crucial. Follow these tips for a clean home and a smoother transition:

  • Start with essentials
  • Label wisely
  • Room-by-room approach
  • Secure valuables
  • Seek help if needed

Pack a separate bag with daily necessities – medications, important documents, and basic toiletries. This way, you won’t need to rummage through boxes immediately upon arrival. Next, clearly mark each box with its contents and designated room in the new home. This method speeds up unpacking and reduces confusion. Wrap fragile items in bubble wrap or packing paper. Store them in sturdy boxes to prevent damage during transport. Also, tackle one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. This systematic strategy ensures no item gets overlooked. Finally, don’t hesitate to ask family or friends for assistance. Sometimes, an extra pair of hands makes all the difference.

These steps help elders in their transition, making the move organized and less daunting. With everything in its right place, adapting to the new environment becomes much simpler.

Step 4: Choosing the Right Moving Service

Navigating the selection of relocation specialists is a pivotal step in planning a stress-free senior move. Importantly, seek a mover with a reputation as a senior moving specialist. Such companies understand the unique needs of elder relocations. Start by researching local movers with positive reviews from senior clients. Personal recommendations can also guide you toward reliable services. Compare quotes, but prioritize expertise over price. A good moving company will offer clear communication, transparent pricing, and services tailored to elder needs. Check their credentials and insurance coverage for peace of mind. Ensure they provide services like packing, unpacking, and furniture arrangement, which are essential for a smooth elder relocation. Trustworthy movers ease the burden, transforming the moving experience into a manageable and positive change.

for any senior move, a certified senior move manager will create a stress free move

Look for a move manager who has experience handling senior moves.

Step 5: Settling into the New Home

Transitioning into a new home marks the final step of a stress-free senior move. It’s crucial to arrange the living space for accessibility and comfort. Start by placing familiar items in similar spots as the old home. This familiarity eases the adaptation process. Also, consider engaging a senior moving specialist to help organize the space efficiently. They can suggest optimal layouts that enhance mobility and safety.

Furthermore, focus on personalizing the new environment. Hang favorite pictures, set out cherished mementos, and arrange furniture in a comforting layout. This touch of familiarity brings a sense of belonging.

Lastly, maintain established routines where possible. Keeping regular meal times, activity schedules, and social interactions provide stability. This consistency is key to feeling at home in a new place. Settling in takes time. Patience and support are essential in making a new house feel like home.

Closing Thoughts

In sum, achieving a stress-free senior move is entirely possible with careful planning and the right approach. Begin by allowing ample time for each step. Emphasize decluttering and downsizing, making choices that lighten the load. Selecting an experienced moving service is crucial, ensuring a smoother transition. However, don’t hesitate to reach out to the packing professionals as well if the task seems too daunting. You can find many decluttering and organizational services on our website to assist you with this. Effective packing and organizing are key – label everything clearly. Once in the new home, arrange it for maximum comfort and familiarity. This way, a senior move becomes manageable and a positive new chapter. Keep these steps in mind, and the process will unfold with ease and efficiency.

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Understanding the Benefits of Move Management Services

using a NASMM certified senior move manager is the best way to ease the stress and have a successful senior move.

Stepping into the world of relocation and senior move management, the advantages of utilizing professional relocation services become increasingly apparent. This comprehensive guide will outline these key perks, offering fresh insights into making your transition smoother and less stressful.

Understanding Professional Relocation Services

What exactly are these professional services we speak of? Essentially, they are expert entities specializing in planning, coordinating, and executing relocation. Their tasks range from organizing and packing your belongings to arranging transportation and setting up your new place. The ultimate goal: to make your change of residence hassle-free.

The Emergence of Professional Relocation Services

Interestingly, these services have seen significant growth in recent years. This trend reflects our fast-paced society, where career or lifestyle changes often necessitate a location change. Furthermore, the desire for streamlined, stress-free transitions has fueled the demand for such services.

Unpacking the Benefits of Move Management Services

Stress Reduction

One of the undeniable benefits of move management services is stress reduction. You delegate the logistics of your transition to experts, freeing you to focus on everyday responsibilities and the excitement of a fresh start. These services offer invaluable peace of mind, from dealing with the moving day checklist to managing unexpected hurdles.

Practical Advice: Creating a List of Your Items

Before entrusting your move to a professional service, it’s wise to create a list of your items. This catalog serves a dual purpose: it’s a handy tool for your relocation specialist to provide a precise quote and an invaluable record for you. A detailed inventory helps track your belongings throughout the transition, ensuring nothing gets left behind or lost. This simple yet effective preparatory step can streamline your move, reinforce the benefits of professional relocation services, and add an extra layer of security.

Time and Energy Saving

Next, consider the valuable time and energy you’d conserve. Imagine dodging the ordeal of packing up your entire home and the physical exertion involved in transporting furniture. All these tasks are handled by your move manager, who can simplify your move.

Efficiency and Organization

Efficiency is another profound benefit. Some organizational tips for staging your home can be helpful, but nothing beats a professional relocation specialist’s systematic approach. From decluttering and packing to ensuring your belongings arrive on time at your new home, their attention to detail is unrivaled.

packing and unpacking, what to sell, want to give away, estate clearing are all part of what a NASMM certified Sr. Move Manager can do


Lastly, let’s address the financial aspect. While it may seem counter-intuitive, hiring a relocation specialist can be more cost-effective than a self-managed transition. Without professional help, you might face hidden costs like packing material overruns, potential damage to items, or extra van space. An expert’s guidance helps you avoid such unexpected expenses.

Key Aspects to Consider When Choosing a Relocation Specialist

When selecting a relocation service, it’s essential to consider various aspects to ensure you pick the best fit for your needs. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • Experience: Look for a company with a proven track record in the industry. The longer they’ve been in business, the better their understanding of the nuances of different types of moves.
  • Reviews: Check customer feedback and ratings. Authentic experiences shared by previous clients can provide invaluable insights into the quality of service.
  • Scope of Services: Ensure that the company offers a wide range of services, from packing and transportation to unpacking and setup in your new location.
  • Insurance and Licenses: The service provider should have the necessary certifications and insurance coverage to protect your belongings during the move.
  • Cost: While quality service comes at a price, make sure the costs align with your budget and the value offered. Always ask for a detailed quote to understand what you’re paying for.

Case Study: Success Stories

Take Emily, for instance, who relocated her business across the states. With a relocation specialist handling the logistics, she could continue focusing on her business operations, making the transition seamless. Similarly, the Johnson family, moving into their first home, found that using professional services allowed them to settle quickly, turning their new house into a home without delay.

Choosing a Professional Relocation Service

When selecting a service, consider their experience, customer reviews, and the range of services offered. Beware of deals that seem too good to be true; quality service may cost more, but it’s worth the peace of mind.

You can only experience all the benefits of move management services by choosing a pro.

The Future of Professional Relocation Services

Innovations like virtual surveys or green packing solutions could further enhance the benefits of these services. Such advancements promise to make the relocation process more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.


To sum up, understanding the benefits of move management services is crucial for anyone facing a relocation. They offer stress reduction, time savings, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness that can transform the often-dreaded moving experience into a hassle-free transition. So, the next time you move, why not consider employing these professionals to simplify your journey?

Ready to experience the stress-free benefits of professional move management services? Visit now to discover how our experts can simplify your relocation process. Say goodbye to the moving day checklist headaches and hello to a smooth, organized move with A Clear Path. 

Meta: In this article, we will go over some of the benefits of move management services and how you can take advantage of them

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7 Mental Health Benefits of Downsizing

organizing, packing, selling, donating are all part of downsizing and a senior professional move manager can help.


Reaching a certain age and retiring is, for many people, a period when they start reflecting on their life. This may be the time when you start considering leaving your old home behind and moving to a smaller property. Although decluttering has many benefits, it is usually easier said than done. However, once it’s over, you will most likely be thankful to yourself for deciding to go through with it. Some ideas for downsizing your property as a boomer and making it a perfect retirement property include decorating, downsizing your closet, organizing your garage, garden, or other outdoor spaces, and more. This article will go over the seven mental health benefits of downsizing in order to decide if and why moving to a smaller home would be the right next step in your life.

It helps reduce stress

Maintaining a spacious property is far from an easy task. Now – imagine having to do it in your old age. Retirement is supposed to be a period in a person’s life when they can finally step away from all responsibilities and enjoy some peace and quiet. However, that might not be as easy as it sounds if you have a large house to upkeep – especially if your children are long moved out and you have little or no help. 

Moving out of a house and into a smaller apartment will help significantly reduce stress. You won’t have to worry about tedious cleaning that lasts an entire day – in a smaller living space, weekly cleaning might take you just a couple of hours. In order to make this process easier and more pleasant, we recommend you declutter your old house and clear accumulated stuff before moving into your new home. This way, you’ll avoid taking any unnecessary belongings with you.

paking and unpacing are one of the services of a A+ Certified senior move manager


It saves you a significant amount of money

An obvious advantage of downsizing is that you will be able to save up a lot on your monthly energy bills. No longer working means not having as much money to spend as you had before. Granted, you’ll have your pension, but do you really wish to spend your hard-earned money on the bills when you could have a nice dinner with your family, buy something nice for yourself or take a vacation trip to a country that you had never visited before? Have you ever thought about the difference between the bills for a big house and a small apartment? If not, you’re in for a pleasant surprise. Another way to earn and save some money during the process of moving is to sell the stuff you no longer need. You can easily do this by listing your items on any online selling platforms. Some of the most commonly used ones are:

  • Amazon
  • Craigslist
  • eBay
  • Facebook Marketplace

If you aren’t too sure about how to use these online marketplaces, you could put the images of the items on your personal Facebook or Instagram profile. Granted, the audience won’t be as wide, but you never know – maybe your friends, or friends of your friends, will be interested in buying what you are selling.

Alternatively, you can donate your things to a local charity.

Allows for more free time

Retirement means you will finally have more time to spend on yourself and your hobbies. If you don’t have many maintenance tasks to perform in your place, the amount of your free time increases even more. Downsizing helps reduce all the work you need to do around your house and therefore helps you enjoy all your free time to the fullest – which is what all retired seniors deserve. Before reaching a decision to downsize, as before making any other decisions, it’s best to get informed on the topic. Consumer Opinion suggests that if your friends and family can’t be the ones to advise you, some of the websites on the internet can be helpful to you.

just organizing stuff that has become clutter is a health benefit of organizing.

Increases your confidence

Showing your new place to your friends and family will feel so rewarding and is guaranteed to boost your confidence – especially when you know you’re responsible for organizing it. Smaller spaces are easier to decorate, tidy up and keep clean and organized at all times – so you’ll be able to keep your home beautiful and feel proud every time you present it to your guests.

Prevents you from feeling lonely

One of the mental health benefits of downsizing, if not the biggest one, is that you are bound to feel less alone in a place that is smaller and not as full of memories compared to a house where you’ve lived for most of your life. A big and empty house can feel daunting and overwhelming at times, especially if you are the only one living in it. 

Moreover, moving to a smaller living space to be close to your friends and family is a great way to prevent feeling alone when you reach a certain age. It’s important to note that downsizing will by no means fix all your problems. If you are feeling sad or lonely, you should make sure to get the help you need and talk to a professional. If you don’t have the time or energy to book an in-person therapy session, a good option to consider is choosing an online therapy provider.

It makes you live in the present

Living in the same house for many years means that it is full of memories that you have been accumulating practically for an entire lifetime. Although in a way, being surrounded by all these memories is a beautiful thing, it may very easily provoke feelings of nostalgia and sadness. To put it simply – being constantly surrounded by memories can weigh you down emotionally. Getting rid of them by downsizing can be just the thing you need in order to free your mind, liberate yourself, and significantly improve your mental health. Think of your new apartment as a clean slate and a new beginning.

safety issues are important for seniors and downsizng can help create healthier spaces for living.

One of the mental health benefits of downsizing is getting rid of memories – but it doesn’t mean that you need to get rid of all of them.

Prevents safety risks

Decluttering can also help remove safety hazards and reduce the risks of harming your well-being in any way, which is particularly important if you are an older person. Some of the things that you should keep a lookout for are:

  • Cables or electricity chords lying on the ground – they are not easy to spot, so someone can easily trip over them and get injured
  • Unnecessary clutter, such as items and boxes, impedes walkability
  • Items that have been left unattended for long periods of time may contain dust or mold, which are hazardous to people suffering from breathing problems
  • Dirty and cluttered spaces are a breeding ground for mice, roaches, and other pests which transmit various diseases

A conclusion on the mental health benefits of downsizing

Hopefully, by the end of this article, you will have understood that, although it is a challenging and exhausting thing to do, there are a lot of mental health benefits of downsizing. You should consider all of them and weigh your options before deciding to take this critical step. Lastly, consider that, apart from being emotionally challenging, downsizing is by no means a physically easy job. For this reason, another question is whether you need to hire a professional to help you during this time.


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10 Downsizing Tips For Boomers Who Want To Declutter

good downsizing starts with proper organizing and therefore it is best to use a professional organizer

It’s no secret that many baby boomers are downsizing as they approach retirement. After years of accumulating stuff, they’re now faced with the daunting task of decluttering and simplifying their lives.

If you’re a boomer who is considering downsizing, here are 10 tips to help you get started:

1. Start with the easy stuff

Don’t try to tackle everything at once. Start with the items that are easiest to part with. This could be things that you don’t use often, or items that hold sentimental value but aren’t truly valuable.

Also, don’t be afraid to get rid of things that are in good condition but you no longer have a use for. Just because something is still usable doesn’t mean you have to keep it.

2. Get rid of duplicates

Do you really need two sets of golf clubs? Or three coffee makers? If you have multiple items that serve the same purpose, get rid of the extras. When you think about it, do you really need more than one of anything?

With enough items decluttered from a room, you can even consider using the newly acquired space to add a home gym and save on gym memberships. 

3. Don’t forget about your closet

Clothes are often some of the hardest things to get rid of, but downsizing is a great opportunity to purge your closet. If you haven’t worn something in a year or two, chances are you won’t miss it.

When cleaning your closet, you need to be honest with yourself. If something doesn’t fit or you don’t love it, get rid of it. You can also consider donating clothes that are in good condition but you no longer want.

downsizing is about making decision of what to keep and what to give away or sell and a professional organizer can help

4. Have a yard sale

Yard sales are a great way to get rid of unwanted items and make some extra cash. Just be sure to advertise ahead of time so people know when and where to find you. When organizing a yard sale, be sure to price items reasonably so they’ll sell. After all, the goal is to get rid of stuff, not make a fortune.

Image source

5. Donate to charity


If you have items that are in good condition but you no longer want or need them, consider donating them to a local charity. This is a great way to declutter your home and help those in need.

When considering a charity to donate to, make sure to do your research. You want to be sure your donations are going to a reputable organization that will put them to good use.decluttering, selling items, giving items to charity, packing are all part of what a senior move manager handles and more.

6. Sell online

There are a number of online platforms where you can sell unwanted items, such as eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace. This is a great option if you have larger items that would be difficult to transport to a yard sale.

When selling anything online, be sure to use caution. Meet buyers in a public place and be sure to have someone with you if possible.

7. Use storage wisely

If you’re downsizing to a smaller home, you may need to get creative with storage. Look for furniture with built-in storage, such as ottomans with removable lids or coffee tables with drawers.

You’ll be surprised by how much stuff you can actually store in a small space if you use it wisely.

8. Declutter your home before you move

 Moving is a perfect opportunity to declutter your home. Start packing up items that you know you won’t need in your new place, such as seasonal clothing or extra furniture. This will make the moving process easier and help you avoid taking unnecessary things to your new home.

Also, be sure to measure your new space before you move. This will help you determine what furniture will actually fit and avoid any surprises on moving day.

9. Don’t forget about digital clutter

In today’s digital world, we often accumulate a lot of “stuff” that we don’t even realize. Take some time to declutter your digital life by deleting old files and photos, unsubscribing from unwanted emails, and cleaning up your social media accounts.

With a clear computer storage, not only will you have more space for new things, but you’ll also be less likely to experience technical issues down the road.

A professional senior move manager can also help decluttering your digital life

10. Be realistic about what you can keep

It’s important to be realistic about what you can actually keep when downsizing. If you’re moving from a four-bedroom house to a two-bedroom apartment, you’re not going to be able to take everything with you. Be selective and only keep the items that are truly important to you.

A Checklist to Stick to When Getting Rid of Clutter

If you need help getting started, use this checklist as a guide: 

  • -Start with one room at a time and make your way through the entire house
  • -Make three piles for each item: keep, donate/sell, trash
  • -Be ruthless when making decisions and don’t let sentimentality get in the way
  • -For items you’re keeping, find a place for them right away so they don’t end up as clutter again
  • -For items you’re donating or selling, pack them up and get them out of the house as soon as possible
  • -And finally, for items you’re throwing away, put them in garbage bags and take them out to the trash can right away

Examples of Decluttering a Room

The following are some examples of how you can declutter different rooms in your home:


  • -Start by getting rid of clothes that you no longer wear. If you haven’t worn it in a year, chances are you never will. Donate or sell these items to make room for the things you actually love.
  • -Next, declutter your nightstand. Get rid of old magazines, books you’ve already read, and any other items that are just taking up space.
  • -Finally, go through your closet and get rid of anything that doesn’t fit or that you no longer wear. Again, if you haven’t worn it in a year, chances are you never will.

Living room: 

  • -Start by decluttering your coffee table. Get rid of old magazines, coasters, and anything else that’s just taking up space.
  • -Next, go through your bookshelves and get rid of any books you no longer want or need. Donate these to a local library or sell them online.
  • -Finally, declutter your entertainment center. Get rid of any old movies or video games you no longer play. If you have a lot of DVDs, consider getting rid of them and switching to a digital format.


  • -Start by going through your pantry and getting rid of any expired food items. Throw away anything that’s been sitting in there for months (or even years!).
  • -Next, declutter your cabinets and get rid of any dishes or cookware you no longer use. Donate these items to a local shelter or food bank.
  • -Finally, declutter your fridge and freezer. Toss out any old leftovers or expired food items. And if your fridge is full of Take-Out menus, it’s time to get rid of those too!

Downsizing your home can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these tips and using this checklist, you can declutter your home and make the moving process a breeze. So what are you waiting for? Start downsizing today!

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Making the Most of Your Garage Space

If your garage isn’t doing much apart from storing your cars and outdoor gear, it’s time to get organized and put it to better use. Making the most of your garage’s square footage could be as simple as updating your storage and organization solutions to allow more room for vehicles and yard tools. But, if you’re outgrowing your garage, have you considered transforming this space to entirely suit your lifestyle and interests? Check out how to get started and learn about some amazing garage upgrades that will give you the ability to make productive use of the space. 

remodelling a garage starts with decluttering to make space for what you need

How to Get Started 

First things first, it’s extremely important to declutter and organize before starting a project. But as we know, it can be overwhelming to prepare for decluttering knowing that you have a lot of work ahead. A tip that may help you get the decluttering process rolling is to sort your items into 3 different categories: keep, get rid of, and storage. This method is beneficial as it forces you to make a decision item-by-item and helps you avoid making a bigger mess than the one you started with. If you’re trying to tackle a space that needs a little extra focus, or the thought of decluttering in general seems overwhelming for you, it might be a good idea to look into home organizing services. Working with a decluttering professional can help you meet your goals which will take a lot of the stress off you. Once you have your belongings organized, you’re now able to take on any home project!

Garage Remodel Options to Consider 

Move the Mudroom into the Garage 

If you’re constantly overflowing the closet with jackets or tripping over shoes in your house, it may be a good idea to turn an unused corner of the garage into a mudroom. Putting a mudroom in the garage is a great way to start utilizing this space that otherwise would be filled with clutter. The garage is the ideal place for a mudroom especially if it’s usually the way you come into your home, providing you and the rest of your family a designated space to put your muddy shoes and wet jackets. Finally, you’ll have somewhere to put the vacuum and broom after decluttering the coat closet

A mudroom in the garage can create a transitional buffer space between the hustle and bustle of the messy world, to the calmness of your clean home. The best part about garage mudrooms is that they don’t need to be complex to be practical. They can actually be created very easily near the door leading to the house. A couple of wall hangers and storage options might be all you need to create your perfect garage mudroom. 

If you’re looking to keep things clean and neutral but want a little more warmth and personality, try adding a wood paneling shiplap accent wall. This design addition can be easily installed and is a quick way to add texture to a wall. Additionally, it’s a great way to hide previous wall imperfections that might have been in the garage. You can check out some shiplap accent wall inspiration to get a better idea of how to install and what your final product will look like. What’s more, shiplap wood can easily be stained or painted if you wanted to give the garage a bit of color. Whatever you decide, this space will help you and your family stay organized and know exactly where those everyday items are. 

Create an Indoor-Outdoor Entertainment Area 

If you think that your current home is feeling a bit small, turning your garage into an indoor-outdoor living space is a great way to give you and your family more room while making use of the square footage you already have. A simple living space can easily be designed with comfortable furniture, adequate lighting, and a source of garage heating. You can spruce the area up even more with finished walls, a TV, and a fireplace. Either way, creating this completely revamps the unutilized space in your garage to become the versatile living or entertainment space you’ve always wanted. 

Before diving in, assess the space you’re dealing with and figure out exactly what you want. It may be a good idea to ask yourself a few questions such as:

  • What are my goals for the space?
  • What will I use this space for?
  • How big is this space?
  • How much natural light does it get? 
  • Can I do this myself, or will I need to hire a professional?
  • What is my budget?

After assessing the space and answering these questions, you should now have a good idea of your vision as well as what it will take to turn this area into a comfortable living space. The next step is to design the space with the room’s primary purpose in mind. Thinking about the purpose of the room allows you to build in features that will increase the room’s functionality. 

When you’re planning your new indoor-outdoor space and how to take full advantage of it, there are some essential design elements to consider. Many of these elements you will be able to use from your existing garage, but others you may want to upgrade in order to improve the overall livability, organization, and balance of a hybrid space. Some of the design elements you may want to consider are:

  • Flooring
  • Furniture 
  • Windows and doors 
  • Lighting
  • Insulation

The best part of turning your garage into an indoor-outdoor living space is that you can turn it into anything you want. With new design elements, you can turn a dark, cold garage into a bright, warm living space perfect for guests and entertaining, a game night, or a cozy movie night in. 

Design Your Very Own Home Gym 

after professional decluttering plenty of space can be created to cnvert a part of your garage into a great small personal gymA garage can be a great place for working out if it has all the right features. Having a convenient home fitness space in your garage allows you to have intense workouts and throw weight around without scuffing or damaging the inside of your home. It also reduces the clutter and equipment storage in your home which frees up space for other hobbies. Creating a gym in your garage might also allow for larger and more organized fitness equipment, machines, and overall more space to move around in. You can even get creative with this project and complete your garage gym with built-in speakers, mirrors, and whatever elements that will inspire a motivational environment for you. 

Equipment and Storage

Equipment pieces don’t have to be bought within the first week, month, or even year of using your new space. Gym equipment isn’t particularly cheap and especially if you prefer to vary your workouts, it can add up quickly. Fortunately, equipment can be accumulated over time depending on your workout interests and abilities. Some basic essentials you may want to have for your new workout space include:

  • Dumbbells 
  • A cardio machine 
  • Mats
  • Mirror
  • Workout bands 

As far as equipment storage goes, there are many customizable options, meaning it’s completely up to your preference. It’s a good idea to have some racks or bins to keep your home gym organized while providing a quick clean-up after each session. Installing wall hooks or shelves might also be helpful to easily hang bands, jump ropes, or store yoga blocks and towels. As you accumulate more equipment, you can continue to shape your storage routine. However, remember, it’s a good idea to have some initial organization so things don’t get out of hand. 


A crucial part of creating your home gym is deciding on what type of flooring you want. Epoxy garage floors might just be a great solution to complete your home gym. Not only do they look more inviting than concrete floors, but they’re also extremely durable and long-lasting. You can help avoid scuffing up your floors in your home and finish your garage by learning how to paint your garage floor with epoxy.  The smooth and even surface is easy to maintain and can make your life a lot easier when it comes to cleaning up. Since not much debris sticks to this type of flooring, sweeping or cleaning up after your sessions will be a breeze. 

There’s no better feeling than turning a space that isn’t used effectively and tends to collect junk into a new, comfortable space that the whole family can enjoy. By combining these organization tips with these unique upgrading ideas, you can make the most of the square footage in your garage while freeing up some space in your home. By taking an organized approach to any of these projects you can have the look and feel of a completely new design that fits your lifestyle. 


Streamline Your Life: Tips for Downsizing to a Smaller Home

Streamline Your Life:

Tips for Downsizing to a Smaller Home

downsizing can be a very emotional task and using a move manager from the start can create a safe environment

Downsizing to a smaller home is a natural part of life for many adults, but it’s also considerably challenging. Suddenly, you’re in the position of having to decide which of the belongings you’ve accumulated over the years will be thrown out or given away. 

It’s more than just a matter of purging and eliminating the excess – you have to downsize because you now have less square footage. Forcing yourself to get rid of treasured belongings is an emotional ordeal that can be overwhelming for many people. The experts recommend you take care of it before you move and things get really chaotic and continue working on it after you’ve moved. The last thing you want is to move a bunch of clutter from one home to another. 


Being organized is essential if you want everything to go smoothly. Begin by planning how you’ll approach downsizing. Many people make lists of what items they’ll throw away, what can be donated and which possessions they’ll take with them. Go room by room as you assemble your lists, physically placing everything into piles according to what you plan to do with them. 

This can also be a great opportunity to host a yard sale — moving is expensive, and selling unneeded items can help cut the cost. If you find it hard to part with things, establish a set list of criteria that will help you decide. Ask yourself, “When was the last time I used this?,” “How and why would I use this?,” “Do I have something else that does the same thing?,” “Do I love this item so much that it would trouble me emotionally to part with it?,” and most importantly, “Can I do without this?

Plan of attack

Have a plan in place for when you move. That means knowing where your furniture will go, and how it will be arranged when you move into your new home. Take pictures of the layout of your new apartment or house, and identify where everything will go ahead of time. You can also use a color coding system as you pack up your belongings so you know what room each box should be placed in. 

Change your thinking

Downsizing means you need to rethink how you live, or at least how you acquire new items. If you’re used to living in a house with plenty of square footage, you probably haven’t had to worry about limiting your purchases based on available space.

Now that your circumstances and square footage will change, you need to adapt. The biggest part of downsizing is adapting to the mindset. It’s a new start, a way of simplifying your life without the encumbrances that dictated how and where you could live. 

to stay organized one needs to make sure to de-clutter first and use a professional for help.Stay clutter-free

Once you’ve settled into your smaller space, consider a new approach to keeping your home clutter-free. When things get messy, clean them up immediately, don’t put it off — that’s how clutter builds up. By keeping a strong sense of organization, it will be easier to continue to live clutter-free. You’re also less likely to regret having downsized if you don’t allow clutter to become a problem.  

Your aesthetic can help too
Having an overall aesthetic or a specific look for each room will not only show off your preferred style, but it can also help maximize the space. This can be done through lighting, using minimal furniture, and being mindful of wall colors. For example, a small room feels smaller if every wall is painted the same bold color. Rather than paint four walls red, consider three light-colored walls with one bold accent wall. Alternatively, if you really want to add some flair, try wallpaper. With so many colors, patterns, themes and textures, you’re bound to find the perfect way to dress up your room. Plus, with modern wallpaper, you can easily swap out your choice if you opt for the peel-and–stick variety. 

Think of downsizing as an opportunity to streamline your life. Now that you’ve gotten your possessions under control and organized, maintain that mindset as you begin your life in a new home. It’s an excellent way of making sure you’re living within your means.

Moving Management: Organizational Tips for Staging A Home to Sell

staging a home for sale is part of the tasks a clear path executes through is senior move management processIf selling your home is on the horizon, here are some moving management and organizational tips to help you stage for a quick and successful sale.

Moving can be a stressful process, particularly when it comes to selling a home. With summer on the horizon and so many looking for new homes across the country, staging has become more important than ever. When potential buyers enter a home or virtually tour photos on a real estate listing platform, they not only want to see a future there, but they also want to be sure that the space is clean and organized. A tidy home can make it sell for more money as well as attract more buyers. While hiring a moving manager or home organizing services can take some of the work off your plate, there are ways you can both organize and show off the space yourself, too. 

Organize the exterior 

The first impressions of most homes on the market come from the outside, which makes a neat, attractive exterior all the more important. Any red flags on the outside of the home can send a buyer in the other direction before even entering the house. That said, fresh landscaping, flowers, groomed trees, and any paint touch-ups can make a home look brand new. This will also hint to buyers how dedicated you’ve been in terms of maintenance, inside and out. Outdoor furniture, a freshly sealed driveway, or an updated porch can help the home sell faster and for more money. 

Highlight home office space

to help declutter a home office use the professionals at a clear path

Photo by Brad Javernick of

In this new age of remote work, home offices have become staples to everyday life for many. Creating a designated, productive workspace can help a buyer who works from home see their lifestyle fitting with the house. Keep in mind that professionals prefer certain aspects of a home office, like natural lighting, storage space, and distance from heavily trafficked areas of the house. You can also stage a multifunctional space that can serve as a home office, craft room, laundry room, or spare bedroom. 

Cut back on furniture

Believe it or not, some of a home’s most valued furniture pieces may not be beneficial throughout the staging process. Extra end tables, coffee tables, or chairs can make the space look cluttered and claustrophobic. Remove these to open up the space. Avoid putting furniture in front of focal points like fireplaces or built-ins so they’re easily visible and accessible. When choosing which pieces to keep or stow away, think about buyers walking through the home and how easy the space is to tour. 

Coordinate closet space

Organized closet space is a high priority for many buyers. Before they tour the bedrooms, remove any unnecessary articles of clothing and other clutter to make the closet appear larger. Add shelving where necessary to maximize the space, and stage with storage bins or compartments that show visitors how it can be efficiently organized. Shoe racks, drawers, and over-the-door storage can also help buyers see how much of their belongings they can store in the closet. Don’t forget to keep the home well-ventilated for great air quality and a fresh aroma for in-person tours.

Deep clean

A tidy home isn’t as effective without a deep clean. A major factor that turns buyers away from homes for sale is cleanliness. It indicates how well you tend to the home, and is instrumental in the visitors’ experience. Cleaning every square inch of the home is vital before allowing a home to be photographed or toured in person. Dust or scrub every square inch from the floor to the ceiling so that buyers will have no critiques. Also remember that pets, their toys, or their furniture can store some unpleasant smells that a handful of buyers will disapprove of, so be sure to take those out of the house and eliminate any pesky pet odors.


While staging, be sure to reduce the amount of personal items in the home. Family photos, mementos, art projects, personal hygiene items, andstaging a home is one of the task that can be handled by A Clear Path as an A+ accredited by NASMM senior move manager clothes can all add to a cluttered home. Not only that, but having these items visible can make it very difficult for buyers to imagine the home as their own and connect to the space. Instead, fill some of the space with neutral decor, books, plants, etc. Arrange any built-in storage, shelving, or wall space with items that illustrate how the space can be used, while leaving it a blank canvas for potential buyers.

Hire a professional

If you’re inexperienced when it comes to moving, thankfully, there are a number of moving and organization experts that can make the transition smoother every step of the way. To make the process easier, here are some examples of professional services you can use:

  • Packing and unpacking services: carefully packing items, trash removal, delivering packing boxes and materials, etc. 
  • Senior moving specialist: guiding your downsizing/transition while catering to the special needs of your senior loved one
  • Estate clearing: providing itemized lists of keepsakes, shipping items to family members, selling valuable pieces, etc.
  • Virtual organizers: online sessions with organization experts to tackle your home one room at a time


Selling your home doesn’t mean simply listing it on the market and hoping for the best. It takes a lot of thought and hard work throughout the staging process. Maintain an organized home, take advantage of experts, and consider some of these organizational tips for an efficient home sale.

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Photo Credits: Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash; Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash; Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

Home Organizing for Downsizing Homeowners

Downsizing is always about boxes, packing them and then unpacking them. Pack by room is the best.

Downsizing homeowners are often overwhelmed by the stresses of moving as well as everything involved in packing up their belongings and getting the house ready for their buyer. We know how difficult it can be to manage everything at once, which is why we’ve put together this handy article to make things easier for you!

Consider home organizing services

There is so much to do when moving house, and sometimes we all need a helping hand to get things going. If you’re struggling to get your house packed up or aren’t able to move furniture as easily as you’d hoped, then looking into home organizing services could be the right step for you. Generally, these services offer you –

  • Staging support, which will involve your house being decluttered and organized to entice viewers
  • Moving materials provided to keep your items safe in transit and well-organized
  • Services to both donate or throw away items that you no longer need or want
  • A guarantee that your items are packed carefully
  • Help and support contacting any other services that you may need. 

This can be a much easier approach than doing everything of your own accord and can also save you a lot of time too, letting you focus on the other aspects of your move!


A lot of homeowners like to declutter themselves, especially if a lot of the items that you own are sentimental. It can be a difficult task but with the right approach you can make it easier for yourself. There are a few key things to remember when you’re looking to declutter

  • Start small:
    You may think that you have to declutter the whole house in one weekend but giving yourself more time and taking the pressure off will lead to much better results. A great way to get started is to focus on one area at a time, such as under the stairs or a junk drawer in the kitchen. Small achievements help you stay on track and will keep you motivated, and in no time, you’ll be seeing great results!
  • Before and after photos:
    It can be easy to lose sight of your progress and see just how far you’ve come, which is often where people will give up on their decluttering journey and start to struggle. Taking before and after photos is a wonderful way to remind you of all of the work that you’ve done and help keep you focused. 
  • Date checking:
    We’re all guilty of keeping things longer than we probably should, and whether it’s cosmetic products, toiletries, or dried food, most households will have a good amount that they can get rid of. Most cosmetics and toiletries have a shelf life of 6-18 months, so check your items and get rid of anything out of date. Empty your food cupboards and you’ll likely find things at the back that you’ve forgotten about that have been there for several years, which you can get rid of. 
  • Empty tables:
    Flat surfaces such as shelving, small tables or cabinets are incredibly easy to clutter, and so focusing on them is a great way to declutter. Try and keep them as empty as possible, and if this feels too bare to you, you can try the rule of 3. This means that you can only have 3 things on any surface (apart from books on bookshelves!) which keep things clear while still allowing you to have your items on display. 

Decluttering is perfect for a fresh start when you downsize and benefits you in more way than one – it can also help you sell your house fast as it will leave your home more organized and more attractive to your viewers. 

  • Utilize storage

It can be incredibly difficult to let go of your belongings, especially if they have been in your family for a long time and are meaningful to you. When you downsize, generally, you’ll be moving somewhere smaller so you’re unable to take all of your belongings with you which is why decluttering is such a popular option. If, however, you’re finding that you can’t part with a lot of your items, you can decide to –

  • Put them in storage and give yourself some time to detach from them before you sort through to declutter
  • Gift them to family and friends. 

Gifting things to people you know is a popular option for those homeowners who know that they no longer have space but want to see them being used and appreciated as they did themselves. 

planning properly is a key reason to hire a professional organizer for downsizing tasks.Make a floorplan 

Downsizing to a smaller home will mean that you’ll likely need to reconsider your furniture and get rid of some things, especially if you’re going to have less bedrooms than you do currently. Some downsizers only realize this as they’re moving in which adds more pressure to the day and can cause a lot of problems. 

Making a floorplan of your new place and outlining where your furniture will go and what will fit will help you plan ahead and give you time to either sell it or rehome it before moving day. You should also measure them too so you know that they will fit where you’re planning to avoid any problems on the day. 

Doing this will show you what you can take with you and what you won’t have space for, helping you stay organized. 

Organizing your home can be incredibly difficult, especially combined with the stresses of moving, but following these steps will give you an easier moving day and help reduce the chances of unexpected problems when moving day comes around.


Using a Checklist before downsizing will create an easier less stressful move

Should You Hire Unpacking Services After the Move

moving companies can help wiht a move, but a certified move manager can make sure the move is done properly

Having good organizational skills may come in very handy in a lot of life situations. If you are an organized person, you may excel at your workplace or keep a tidy house, especially if you have children or pets. But, being organized doesn’t mean that you will always be on top of every situation life throws at you. One of those life occurrences is certainly relocation. Usually, people perceive relocation as a stressful period in life; now, even more than ever, with the busy schedule we all keep. That is why relocation specialists have their work cut out for them. The fact is that some of you don’t have the time or the money to go through the moving process by yourself, so hiring a move manager is the right choice. Know that they offer all possible services you can think of and are moving-related: packing, loading, unloading, and unpacking services, storage, you name it.

Which type of services is fundamental when opting for professional move management?

Some excellent moving companies offer a full pack of services that don’t just include the loading, transportation, and unloading of your belongings and household items. Their teams also do your packing, storage, and unpacking if needed. If you add time management and home organizing services to the list, you will have a somewhat clear picture of what senior move managers have in their job description. Suppose you are a working mum of two, relocating for business across the country. In this scenario, your exceptional organizational skills are good to have. Still, you may lack time and focus because of all the things you must think about and care about in the process. If your relocation circumstances are like the above scenario, a good option is to hire professional help to assist you in the moving project. Hired professionals can help you save time, and with good budgeting also money. 

Busy parents with small children can benefit from professional move management.


What can you expect after moving day?

Your moving day is approaching, and you feel you have done everything right. Suppose you opted for hiring a senior moving manager and his team to help you through this endeavor. Besides, imagine that they also did your home inventories and left you a clear home on the moving day. But what happens when you arrive at your new house or apartment? What about all the boxes and wrap-upped furniture? Firstly, take a deep breath and acknowledge that there are many things that need to be done. It surely would be good to have someone navigate you through the unpacking process so you have more time to focus on your new job, your kids’ new school, or meeting the new neighborhood. That is why it would be beneficial to plan unpacking services after the move if the budget allows you to do so. For a more detailed outlook on the matter, look up professional organizing and what it involves.

moving day can add stress to anybody's day, but using certified move managers can eliminate the stressList of tasks included in professional unpacking services

Depending on your budget and your requirements, you can opt for full service or partial unpacking. Maybe you need assistance only with one room, your library, or your closet. Then, it would be wise to choose partial organizing services. On the other hand, if you need help with organizing your whole house after moving day, hiring professionals will entail the following:

  • Unwrapping all the furniture and appliances
  • Unpacking all the boxes with other household items
  • Making an inventory of every item
  • Assembly of furniture if needed
  • Organization of kitchen, bedroom, closet, bathroom, or other rooms
  • Putting all items in place
  • Clean up, removal of all packaging material 

To make this process go smoothly, it is essential to brief the team about your requirements. Give clear and concise input on where you would like your things to go. Most (un)packers will professionally do their job with little or no bother to the owner.

Does it cost a lot to have relocation specialists help you settle?

One of the questions you will think a lot about is how much it all costs. Well, it depends. Firstly, it depends on the size of your home. It is not the same to have a team unpack a one-bedroom apartment and a 4-bedroom house. Secondly, it depends on the time frame you need your relocation to finalize. Mostly, professionals can do the unpacking in a day or two, but sometimes people need the service quicker. If you are on a budget but still need help and assistance in this department, think about opting for partial unpacking services. For example, if you have a case of a boomer downsize in your family and you are helping, it will be useful to choose a package with estate clearing services. This way, the senior relocation process will come full circle, and the price will be complementary to a complete package deal.

Are you in need of hiring home organizing services after the move?

certified move managers are an excellent source for moving boomers and seniors that are downsizing.Certain situations almost impose hiring professional unpackers. Here is a list of such cases to help you decide whether you need these services or not:

  • You move a lot for business and don’t have much time to transition because of your busy work schedule.
  • Being a senior citizen without the help of family or friends, where packing and unpacking is a physical hurdle.
  • Maybe you are a busy parent with a large family, little time, and a lot of responsibilities.
  • You have the budget, and you want good value for your money.
  • Having already made a complete package deal with a moving company, from packing, clearing house estates, transportation, and unpacking. 
  • You might have a time constraint on your unpacking for any reason, and you need the service done quickly and efficiently.


Whatever your reasons are, if your budget allows you to, hiring professional unpacking services can turn into an investment; you ultimately invest in more time, allowing you to take care of some more important things, like your family or your job. Time is, after all, our most valuable asset. If you have the budget and the opportunity to take advantage of a stress-free moving experience, you definitely should.

Downsizing & Move documentss

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6 Tips for Downsizing Your Home as a Senior

There will come a time when seniors will need to downsize and there are several professionals: organizers, move managers can help

Living as a senior has its own challenges. Many tasks, which once seemed simple, present a challenge now. This is just a part of life, but there are certain things you can do to make your life as a senior easier, more comfortable and to ensure you have more time to enjoy the finer things in life. Downsizing your home as a senior is probably the best way to free up more time for yourself and your hobbies.

At the same time, downsizing can be emotionally draining as well as physically demanding. Therefore, hiring relocation specialists to help you with your move management can make things a lot easier. Ensure that you are familiar with the key issues related to using a senior move manager. They know all the tips and tricks to make your move smooth and hassle-free.

Downsizing in a few easy steps

Reputable relocation specialists know the main rules when it comes to downsizing. There are a few things that can help make your move easier. We will share six tips for downsizing your home as a senior that will help make your life simpler. They will allow you to spend more time doing the things you like.

  1. Face the facts and be emotionally intelligent

Emotional intelligence can significantly influence our decision-making process. Senior relocation is not easy. Some moments might tug on your heartstrings, but it is important that you deal with your emotions. Recognize that downsizing will benefit you in the long run. It might seem difficult when going through old, cherished memories, but keep in mind that it will enable you to create new memories.

Get your kids involved. Ask your family members to help you sort through your belongings and spend time with them, as this will make you feel at ease. Family can get us through the toughest of times, so don’t be afraid to recognize your feelings and discuss them openly.

If you like the neighborhood you currently live in, try consulting a senior move manager and asking them to help you find a smaller place in the same area. If, on the other hand, you wish to move somewhere else, you can always ask for help with the transfer to your new neighborhood. Downsizing and moving don’t have to be stressful and tiring. If organized properly, it can be a simple step towards a lifestyle transformation. Don’t hesitate to search for help, contact your movers today, and let them provide you with the best senior relocation services.

  1. Plan on time and organize in advance

If you feel like you have good organizational skills, you should try to create a system that will allow you to plan and organize the tasks that need to be completed prior to your move. If not, you can look for a move manager or senior moving specialist to help you organize the tasks at hand. Whichever route you choose to take, keep the following in mind:

  • It would be best if you didn’t rush sorting through your belongings. Go through your current home one room at a time and take breaks whenever you begin to feel overwhelmed.
  • Going through your belongings is going to be emotional. It is a good idea to start by going through the items you aren’t too emotionally attached to first. This will get your mind used to the idea of downsizing and will help when dealing with your more cherished belongings later on. You should recognize that you are downsizing and that you won’t have space for all of the items you currently possess.
  • Getting professional estate clearing services can help you if the going gets rough. However, knowing some of their estate clearing secrets can go a long way if you feel up to the task.
  • Pay special attention to the things in your current home that make your life easier and more pleasant. Write notes down to keep track of these things and remind you to create a similar setup in your new home after downsizing. This will help you adjust to your new home faster.
  • Professional home organizing services can help you organize your new home in a way that best suits you and your current needs. You can also use these services to reorganize your home if, at some point, your needs change.


  1. Consider getting help

Move management has been around for a while, but specialized senior move management is a relatively young industry. It is, however, a growing industry. This is because it offers an array of senior relocation services that many aging community members find very helpful. This is just one of the reasons why you should consider hiring a senior move manager and getting help with your downsizing and relocation.

movers and the moving expreience is greatly enhanced when you you use a move manager

  1. Consider your storage options

You will also need to think about storage. The fact that you are downsizing means that you won’t be able to take everything you own with you. There might be some items you don’t wish to get rid of, or you don’t use very often but still need them from time to time. You should consider your storage options for these items. The most common and most easily stored items are:

  • Oversized furniture and home items.
  • Documents and paperwork.
  • Items of emotional value.
  • Seasonal items.

Make sure to choose the right type of storage for your belongings. Some items might require special storage conditions.

using a public storage facility is great, but can be better with a move manager and organizing professional

  1. Pack light and pack right

When your moving day arrives, you will need to have access to your essential items as soon as you arrive at your new home. This means that you will need to pack in a way that enables you to get to the things you use most often, such as toiletries, cutlery, and such. You won’t be needing seventeen sets of dishes and cutlery on your first day. If you do pack that many, you will probably need to learn about de-cluttering your kitchen sooner rather than later. Make sure to pack light and pack right. Basically, what this means is that you need to pack a few boxes with just your essentials. These are the things you will need during the first few days of your move, such as a towel, your toothbrush, a few plates, a set of cutlery, and a good book or perhaps your favorite CD to help you relax the first few evenings. Label these boxes clearly and concisely and when loading them into the moving vehicle, try to pack these boxes last.

  1. Get to know your new home in advance

Getting to know your new home before you move into it can help you adjust to life after downsizing your home as a senior. Try to obtain a layout or floorplan of the place. Decide where you wish to put your furniture and try to imagine what it will look like. Try to find the best fit for your furniture and other belongings. Don’t be scared to rearrange your items several times. Also, getting to know your new neighborhood and the locations of grocery stores and doctors’ offices will make you feel more at ease once you move in.

having good checklists before starting a downsizing move

See the upside

A common mistake seniors make when downsizing is that they view it from the wrong perspective. Don’t think of downsizing as a loss of any freedom or space. Instead, think of it as optimizing your life. Why spend precious time clearing square footage that you very rarely use? Why spend hard-earned money on heating and electricity for empty rooms? As a matter of fact, if, as a senior, you still plan on working from home, there are plenty of tips on how to upgrade your workspace for maximum productivity and happiness. With downsizing come savings, both in terms of financials and time. This means you will have more time and money to spend on more important things. These are the things that fill your life with joy and laughter.

Imagine yourself happy and relaxed in the near future, enjoying life to the fullest. Downsizing your home as a senior will help you achieve that.

Using a Checklist before downsizing will create an easier less stressful move


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