Understanding the Benefits of Move Management Services

using a NASMM certified senior move manager is the best way to ease the stress and have a successful senior move.

Stepping into the world of relocation and senior move management, the advantages of utilizing professional relocation services become increasingly apparent. This comprehensive guide will outline these key perks, offering fresh insights into making your transition smoother and less stressful.

Understanding Professional Relocation Services

What exactly are these professional services we speak of? Essentially, they are expert entities specializing in planning, coordinating, and executing relocation. Their tasks range from organizing and packing your belongings to arranging transportation and setting up your new place. The ultimate goal: to make your change of residence hassle-free.

The Emergence of Professional Relocation Services

Interestingly, these services have seen significant growth in recent years. This trend reflects our fast-paced society, where career or lifestyle changes often necessitate a location change. Furthermore, the desire for streamlined, stress-free transitions has fueled the demand for such services.

Unpacking the Benefits of Move Management Services

Stress Reduction

One of the undeniable benefits of move management services is stress reduction. You delegate the logistics of your transition to experts, freeing you to focus on everyday responsibilities and the excitement of a fresh start. These services offer invaluable peace of mind, from dealing with the moving day checklist to managing unexpected hurdles.

Practical Advice: Creating a List of Your Items

Before entrusting your move to a professional service, it’s wise to create a list of your items. This catalog serves a dual purpose: it’s a handy tool for your relocation specialist to provide a precise quote and an invaluable record for you. A detailed inventory helps track your belongings throughout the transition, ensuring nothing gets left behind or lost. This simple yet effective preparatory step can streamline your move, reinforce the benefits of professional relocation services, and add an extra layer of security.

Time and Energy Saving

Next, consider the valuable time and energy you’d conserve. Imagine dodging the ordeal of packing up your entire home and the physical exertion involved in transporting furniture. All these tasks are handled by your move manager, who can simplify your move.

Efficiency and Organization

Efficiency is another profound benefit. Some organizational tips for staging your home can be helpful, but nothing beats a professional relocation specialist’s systematic approach. From decluttering and packing to ensuring your belongings arrive on time at your new home, their attention to detail is unrivaled.

packing and unpacking, what to sell, want to give away, estate clearing are all part of what a NASMM certified Sr. Move Manager can do


Lastly, let’s address the financial aspect. While it may seem counter-intuitive, hiring a relocation specialist can be more cost-effective than a self-managed transition. Without professional help, you might face hidden costs like packing material overruns, potential damage to items, or extra van space. An expert’s guidance helps you avoid such unexpected expenses.

Key Aspects to Consider When Choosing a Relocation Specialist

When selecting a relocation service, it’s essential to consider various aspects to ensure you pick the best fit for your needs. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • Experience: Look for a company with a proven track record in the industry. The longer they’ve been in business, the better their understanding of the nuances of different types of moves.
  • Reviews: Check customer feedback and ratings. Authentic experiences shared by previous clients can provide invaluable insights into the quality of service.
  • Scope of Services: Ensure that the company offers a wide range of services, from packing and transportation to unpacking and setup in your new location.
  • Insurance and Licenses: The service provider should have the necessary certifications and insurance coverage to protect your belongings during the move.
  • Cost: While quality service comes at a price, make sure the costs align with your budget and the value offered. Always ask for a detailed quote to understand what you’re paying for.

Case Study: Success Stories

Take Emily, for instance, who relocated her business across the states. With a relocation specialist handling the logistics, she could continue focusing on her business operations, making the transition seamless. Similarly, the Johnson family, moving into their first home, found that using professional services allowed them to settle quickly, turning their new house into a home without delay.

Choosing a Professional Relocation Service

When selecting a service, consider their experience, customer reviews, and the range of services offered. Beware of deals that seem too good to be true; quality service may cost more, but it’s worth the peace of mind.

You can only experience all the benefits of move management services by choosing a pro.

The Future of Professional Relocation Services

Innovations like virtual surveys or green packing solutions could further enhance the benefits of these services. Such advancements promise to make the relocation process more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.


To sum up, understanding the benefits of move management services is crucial for anyone facing a relocation. They offer stress reduction, time savings, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness that can transform the often-dreaded moving experience into a hassle-free transition. So, the next time you move, why not consider employing these professionals to simplify your journey?

Ready to experience the stress-free benefits of professional move management services? Visit aclearpath.net now to discover how our experts can simplify your relocation process. Say goodbye to the moving day checklist headaches and hello to a smooth, organized move with A Clear Path. 

Meta: In this article, we will go over some of the benefits of move management services and how you can take advantage of them

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Downsizing with Ease: Empowering Boomers to Embrace a Simpler, More Fulfilling Lifestyle

downsizing boomers can be a difficult task, but help from a senior move manager will ease the task.


As the baby boomer generation approaches retirement, a growing number of individuals are seeking to downsize their lives. Downsizing, the intentional act of simplifying and reducing possessions, holds significant relevance for boomers in today’s society. It offers financial security and the opportunity to create a more fulfilling lifestyle by downsizing home inventories. So, we will explore how empowering boomers to embrace downsizing with ease can lead to a simpler, more rewarding existence. 

Downsizing With ease and Overcoming Emotional Barriers 

For many baby boomers looking to downsize and embrace a simpler life, one of the biggest challenges lies in overcoming emotional barriers. As individuals who have accumulated possessions and memories over a lifetime, letting go can be an emotionally charged process. The sentimental value attached to items can create a sense of attachment and reluctance to part ways. However, boomers must confront these emotional barriers head-on to embark on a downsizing journey. One effective strategy for overcoming emotional attachments is gradually approaching the decluttering and organizing process. Taking small steps allows boomers to adjust to the idea of letting go and reduces feelings of overwhelm. They can start by sorting items into categories and making decisions based on their importance and utility. 

  • confront emotional barriers head-on 
  • approach decluttering gradually 
  • sort items into categories 

Another helpful technique is focusing on the positive aspects of downsizing, such as the freedom and liberation of a simpler lifestyle. Boomers can visualize the benefits of decluttering, such as less maintenance and more time and energy for meaningful experiences. Moreover, seeking support from loved ones, friends, or support groups can make the downsizing process less daunting. Engaging in open conversations about emotional challenges can provide a sense of empathy and understanding, allowing boomers to process their feelings more effectively. By sharing stories and experiences, boomers can gain valuable insights and advice from others who have successfully downsized. 

Making plans for a downsize before execution is necessary for a smooth transition and this is what a certified senior move manager will do.

Design A Functional Living Space By Downsizing 

This is a crucial aspect of downsizing for baby boomers seeking a simpler lifestyle. One effective strategy is to embrace the concept of “rightsizing” – selecting a home or living arrangement that perfectly suits boomers’ needs and preferences. Boomers should prioritize simplicity, practicality, and efficiency when designing a functional living space and creating a clean home. It is important to carefully evaluate each item occupying the space carefully, considering its usefulness and value. Selecting furniture and storage solutions that serve multiple purposes, such as ottomans with hidden storage or modular shelving systems, can maximize the functionality of the space.

Furthermore, organizing and decluttering play a significant role in creating a functional living environment. Home organizing services and move management can make this process easier. You can speed up the boomer downsize process with a move manager. Furthermore, clearing house estates with estate cleaning services can be easy. 

In terms of layout and design, boomers should prioritize ease of movement and accessibility. Ensuring that pathways are clear and wide enough for mobility aids, if needed, is crucial. Incorporating ergonomic furniture and fixtures can enhance comfort and reduce physical strain. Lastly, incorporating natural light and open spaces can create a sense of airiness and promote a peaceful atmosphere. By carefully considering the design and functionality of their living space, boomers can create a harmonious and efficient environment that supports their desired simpler lifestyle.

Embracing A Minimalist Lifestyle 

This can be a transformative and empowering choice for baby boomers seeking a simpler way of life. By consciously shifting their focus from material possessions to experiences and relationships, boomers can find a renewed sense of fulfillment and contentment. Adopting a minimalist mindset involves decluttering physical belongings and mental and emotional clutter. As boomers look to live a simpler life, they can begin by assessing their priorities and identifying what truly brings them joy and meaning. Letting go of excessive material possessions can be liberating, freeing up physical space and mental energy. Furthermore, a senior moving specialist can make a senior relocation easy. 

  • declutter mental and physical clutter 
  • assess your priorities 
  • identify what truly brings joy

It allows boomers to appreciate and value what truly matters to them. Minimalism encourages intentional living, where every decision is made with purpose. Boomers can practice mindful consumption, only acquiring items that serve a practical or genuine purpose in their lives. This approach can help them break free from the consumerist culture and reduce unnecessary expenses. Moreover, a minimalist lifestyle encourages sustainability and environmental consciousness. Boomers can opt for quality over quantity, investing in well-made, durable items that will stand the test of time. By reducing their ecological footprint, they contribute to a healthier planet for future generations. Downsizing with ease allows baby boomers to reinvent retirement and create a new chapter filled with purpose and fulfillment. 

de-cluttering as a task in downsizing, can be bing up many emotions as decision are made to keep, throw away or sell.

Creating A Simpler And More Fulfilling Retirement 

Reinventing retirement after downsizing involves redefining what it means to retire. Boomers can break away from traditional notions of retirement as a time of leisure and relaxation and instead view it as a period of personal growth and exploration. They can embark on second careers, start their businesses, or engage in meaningful volunteer work that aligns with their values. Additionally, downsizing allows boomers to relocate to new areas with a different lifestyle or closer proximity to nature and outdoor activities. This change in environment can provide a fresh perspective and a chance to explore new hobbies, connect with like-minded individuals, and engage in vibrant communities. 

When downsizing, avoid DIY moving for seniors. Overall, it’s best to reconsider your DIY move to protect your health and be able to enjoy your reinvented retirement. Reinventing retirement also means prioritizing health and wellness. Boomers can use their newfound time and freedom to focus on physical fitness, mental well-being, and cultivating a healthy lifestyle. They can participate in activities such as yoga, hiking, or joining fitness groups that promote an active and fulfilling retirement. By reinventing retirement after downsizing, boomers can live a more purposeful, dynamic, and satisfying life. They can embrace new challenges, continue to learn and grow, and positively impact their communities. Downsizing becomes a catalyst for a re-imagined retirement filled with excitement, fulfillment, and endless possibilities.

Making Downsizing And Moving Easier For Boomers 

Downsizing and moving can be daunting for baby boomers, but with the right approach and mindset, it can become a smooth and empowering experience. To simplify the process, start early and plan by creating a timeline and checklist to stay organized. Assess your belongings and prioritize what you truly need and cherish, separating them into categories like keep, donate, sell, or discard. Consider hiring professionals specializing in downsizing and organizing to provide guidance and support. Optimize space when moving to a smaller home by carefully planning your furniture layout and utilizing storage solutions.

  • plan by creating a timeline 
  • donate, sell, or discard what you don’t need 
  • plan your furniture layout in advance 

Label boxes and containers to easily identify their contents during the move and unpacking process. Enlist the help of family, friends, or professional movers to ease the physical aspects of the move. Embrace the new chapter by viewing it as an opportunity for a fresh start, open to new experiences, and focusing on the positive aspects of your simplified lifestyle. By following these downsizing and moving tips, boomers can easily navigate the process, reduce stress, and embrace their new, simpler living environment, leading to a fulfilling and empowering transition.

ease the task of a downsize and possible move with a certified senior move manage, like Regina Lark of A Clear Path.

To Sum Up 

In conclusion, downsizing with ease empowers baby boomers to embrace a simpler, more fulfilling lifestyle. Letting go of excess possessions and prioritizing experiences over material possessions can lead to a greater sense of fulfillment. Downsizing becomes an opportunity to create a harmonious living environment that supports boomers’ needs and desires. By downsizing, boomers can reduce financial burdens, optimize their living spaces, and focus on what truly matters in life. It is a journey that requires planning, support, and a willingness to embrace change. However, the rewards are profound: a simpler life filled with meaningful connections, personal growth, and a sense of purpose.

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Moving Day Checklist for Seniors 

to reduce stress when moving seniors, use a checklist and an organizing professional

The actual moving day is the most important part of the moving process. However, senior relocation can be a little more complicated. Luckily, there are certain things you can do that will help you get through the moving day as a senior. It’s about making the moving day as easy as possible by staying organized and on track with your tasks. Combining our moving day checklist for seniors and high-quality senior relocation services will make this experience stress-free and easy.

Moving into a new home as a senior 

As a senior, it’s best to try and minimize the amount of physical work you need on a moving day. With the help of a senior move manager or senior moving specialist, you won’t have to do a thing. Not only will you stay rested and full of energy for longer, but you will also minimize the stress levels you experience. Ultimately, it’s all about making the moving day a hassle-free experience for you. When you find a helpful team to help you move to Los Angeles, you will have fewer things to worry about. So, before you start packing for your LA relocation, choose a reliable moving company to work with. This way, you make sure you work with professionals who will care. Plus, moving into a new home as a senior won’t be as difficult. 

Organize ahead of time to make the actual moving day as simple as possible. Once you set a date for the move and hire movers, it’s time to take care of the rest. If you have pets, arrange accommodation for them on a moving day. It can be challenging to keep up with all the tasks you will have when caring for your pets. 

Before you start packing, ask a friend or family member to help you declutter your home and get rid of some things. You won’t bring any unnecessary clutter into your new home. Once you are done decluttering, you can start putting things into boxes. Set aside the things you’ll need in the days before the move. So, before the moving day, make sure to: 

seniors need some assistance when moving to another location

Stay organized on a moving day with this moving day checklist for seniors

The most important things to do on moving day as a senior 

Unfortunately, seniors are often victims of scams. In order to stay safe on a moving day, there are a couple of things you can do. Before letting the movers load the items on the trucks, ensure you are working with the movers you hired. It’s important to stay safe as a senior, especially when you hire people to handle your things. Besides this, carefully read any documents you may have to sign. It’s best to ask someone close to you that you trust to be there with you to make sure everything’s alright with the paperwork. 

In conclusion, to stay safe as a senior, do the following: 

  • check that you are working with the movers you hired 
  • carefully read documents
  • ask for assistance from friends and family if you need it 

Before you leave your old home, do a final walkthrough, so you know nothing is left behind. Check all the corners of your home once your items are on the moving truck. Doing a final walkthrough of your old home is one of the most crucial parts of the moving day checklist for seniors. When you start unpacking, you’ll know you didn’t misplace anything important in your old home. And you’ll make the unpacking process easy as well. If you want to be more involved during the moving day, you can check items on your inventory list as they are loaded on the moving truck. Along with the walkthrough, this is one of the best things you can do to ensure nothing is left behind. 

moving checklist are vital documents when seniors downsize and/or move to a new place

Use help from professionals and friends to move as quickly as possible.

Keep the most important things with you 

Even when everything is going according to plan, moving day on its own can be a very hectic experience, especially for a senior. So, when the moving day arrives, check that you have all your essentials. Your wallet and medicine are just some of the things you should keep with you in your bag. If you are unsure how long the moving process will be, keep some healthy snacks with you. These will give you the energy to get through the moving day. You can even pack a bottle of water as well, so you can always have water with you. Keep the checklist and inventory list near you during the moving day. These lists will help you stay organized and on track with the move management. In the process, you won’t feel as stressed about the move. 

Staying organized like this is the key to a successful moving day. You’ll know that there aren’t any critical steps you may have missed to do. As you pack your items before the moving day, create an inventory list. You don’t have to write down everything you own, but having a rough idea of how much stuff you have can help. If you are moving into a smaller home, decluttering with the help of a family member can be helpful. And if you are a boomer looking to downsize, now is the time. You can hire estate clearing services and home organizing services to help you declutter quickly. You can still make an inventory list even if you’ve already packed. Just write down the number of boxes you are moving and the rooms they belong in. 

a senior moving checklist should include an inventory of everything to be moved

An inventory list will help you get through the packing and unpacking quickly and hassle-free

Moving day checklist for seniors: final thoughts 

As with any other significant change in life, staying organized will help you a lot. But being a senior going through the moving process makes it even more important to stay organized and on track with everything you need to do on moving day. With this moving day checklist for seniors, moving day will go by without any problems. And unpacking will be easy as well. You will have fewer things to pack when you have a clear home and eliminate unnecessary home inventories. In the end, with the help of relocation specialists and home organizing services, moving doesn’t have to be a stressful experience for anyone, even seniors.

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How Organizing Can Help Seniors’ Quality of Life

the elderly can increase their quality of life by having help organizing their lives and surroundings.

Changes in quality of life may often occur as individuals age. Reasons for this phenomenon include health worries and lack of social interaction. It’s important to take the initiative while looking for methods to help seniors’ quality of life, whether you are a senior yourself or you care for an aging loved one. In today’s article, we’ll focus on how organizing can help seniors’ quality of life.

Organizing Tips To Help Seniors’ Quality of Life

Caregivers may significantly improve the quality of life for their elderly family members by implementing a holistic approach to care. This implies that you should think about their physical health and mental and emotional stability. If you don’t know where to start in this approach, you should first try to make a senior’s environment as pleasant as possible. You can accomplish this with simple things like fresh flowers and some excellent music to get your loved one to relax for a bit and encourage them to think more clearly. Or maybe their house may need some home-organizing services as well. For the elderly, it’s crucial to have access to such resources. They may even need senior relocation services at some point. People who are struggling with serious health issues or traumatic life events like the death of a spouse benefit greatly from them.

 Organizing their living space can substantially help seniors' quality of life.

1. Raise all stored items to waist height

The first thing you should do to make the house of your elderly parents safer is to keep goods at a level that is no lower than the upper thigh. There may be a problem if they lean over too much. Take a look at the washing baskets and any other essential items that need one to go on their hands and knees. Make sure to keep all of their important stuff in the waist-height drawers.

2. Clear the clutter from the steps and add more lights in the hallways

It would also be beneficial to add more rails to the area of the stairs if there was just one. If the staircase and the hallways are not light enough, add a few more lights. You can get ones that light automatically when you walk in the area. There should be no clutter on the staircase to prevent any injuries. Make sure to declutter and organize all of the hallways and staircases. This can help seniors’ quality of life.

3. Buy a sturdy rolling cart for the kitchen

Suppose they have a bigger kitchen than average. In that case, you might consider giving them a compact, durable rolling cart to assist them in transporting things about the kitchen without carrying them. A rolling cart could also be helpful in other rooms if your elderly parent doesn’t go into the kitchen anymore.

simple items like a rolling cart can the organization and quality of a seniors life

4. Throw out any excess pieces of furniture

Take any furniture that isn’t utilized regularly anymore from the senior parent’s house. We are sure your loved one could use a little boomer downsize. Because we all know how much they loved collecting things that nobody needs. It is to their advantage to have as much room as possible. Instead of that big bulky dining table and 8 chairs they don’t use anymore, place a table that can serve more than one purpose. Have a smaller table that can also be used as storage for their paperwork instead.

You can call estate clearing services if you can’t get these items out of the house. For example, if your grandpa still has his big old piano in the house and only bumps into it all the time, it’s time for the piano to go. Of course, you might not be able to take it out yourself, so it’s better to let experts take care of it and move it safely with the assistance of professional piano movers in LA.

5. Make sure all essential documents are located in one place

Please keep all of their vital documents, in one location that is both safe and secure. There is plenty of space available for storing these. If it is at all feasible, place it in folders that are fire-resistant. If, at some point, they decide to relocate or they have to be transported to an elderly center facility, this will make their senior relocation so much easier. Here’s a list of some of the most important documents your senior friend will need: 

  • ID cards and passports
  • life insurance policies
  • wills and powers of attorney
  • social security cards
  • account statements.

6. Keep a copy of their current medication list posted on the kitchen refrigerator

Using a clear sheet protector is a good way to keep your list clean and visible while also keeping it from getting dirty. You might also write the specific location in the house, such as the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, where these medicines are kept. Create a medication schedule that they may hang on the wall of the bathroom or the refrigerator, depending on where they take their pills.

7. Organize a daily used items area

Seniors over the age of 65 will appreciate having a dedicated space where they can store all of their daily essentials. Get one of those  see-through boxes and label it “today’s necessities.” Your grandma or grandpa can keep their most used stuff here, like: 

If you put the necessary items out on the table or counter, kids are more likely to remember to take them with them. You may keep your medicine, vitamins, reading glasses, writing instruments (pencils, pens), and a notepad here. A pillbox, which is useful for keeping medications in order, may be stored there. But each week, someone will need to be in charge of doling out the pills.

Keeping their everyday items in one place is especially important for the elderly with memory issues and improves their quality of life.

8. Make sure every container has a label on it

Labeling each container will help the elderly person know what goes where. Labeling and organizing can significantly help seniors’ quality of life. They may ask you to pack up and store any home inventories they are uncomfortable discarding. This is especially true if the senior wants to keep many personal items. The safest location to store it is in a labeled and sealed plastic container in your garage or your home’s attic.


7 Mental Health Benefits of Downsizing

organizing, packing, selling, donating are all part of downsizing and a senior professional move manager can help.


Reaching a certain age and retiring is, for many people, a period when they start reflecting on their life. This may be the time when you start considering leaving your old home behind and moving to a smaller property. Although decluttering has many benefits, it is usually easier said than done. However, once it’s over, you will most likely be thankful to yourself for deciding to go through with it. Some ideas for downsizing your property as a boomer and making it a perfect retirement property include decorating, downsizing your closet, organizing your garage, garden, or other outdoor spaces, and more. This article will go over the seven mental health benefits of downsizing in order to decide if and why moving to a smaller home would be the right next step in your life.

It helps reduce stress

Maintaining a spacious property is far from an easy task. Now – imagine having to do it in your old age. Retirement is supposed to be a period in a person’s life when they can finally step away from all responsibilities and enjoy some peace and quiet. However, that might not be as easy as it sounds if you have a large house to upkeep – especially if your children are long moved out and you have little or no help. 

Moving out of a house and into a smaller apartment will help significantly reduce stress. You won’t have to worry about tedious cleaning that lasts an entire day – in a smaller living space, weekly cleaning might take you just a couple of hours. In order to make this process easier and more pleasant, we recommend you declutter your old house and clear accumulated stuff before moving into your new home. This way, you’ll avoid taking any unnecessary belongings with you.

paking and unpacing are one of the services of a A+ Certified senior move manager


It saves you a significant amount of money

An obvious advantage of downsizing is that you will be able to save up a lot on your monthly energy bills. No longer working means not having as much money to spend as you had before. Granted, you’ll have your pension, but do you really wish to spend your hard-earned money on the bills when you could have a nice dinner with your family, buy something nice for yourself or take a vacation trip to a country that you had never visited before? Have you ever thought about the difference between the bills for a big house and a small apartment? If not, you’re in for a pleasant surprise. Another way to earn and save some money during the process of moving is to sell the stuff you no longer need. You can easily do this by listing your items on any online selling platforms. Some of the most commonly used ones are:

  • Amazon
  • Craigslist
  • eBay
  • Facebook Marketplace

If you aren’t too sure about how to use these online marketplaces, you could put the images of the items on your personal Facebook or Instagram profile. Granted, the audience won’t be as wide, but you never know – maybe your friends, or friends of your friends, will be interested in buying what you are selling.

Alternatively, you can donate your things to a local charity.

Allows for more free time

Retirement means you will finally have more time to spend on yourself and your hobbies. If you don’t have many maintenance tasks to perform in your place, the amount of your free time increases even more. Downsizing helps reduce all the work you need to do around your house and therefore helps you enjoy all your free time to the fullest – which is what all retired seniors deserve. Before reaching a decision to downsize, as before making any other decisions, it’s best to get informed on the topic. Consumer Opinion suggests that if your friends and family can’t be the ones to advise you, some of the websites on the internet can be helpful to you.

just organizing stuff that has become clutter is a health benefit of organizing.

Increases your confidence

Showing your new place to your friends and family will feel so rewarding and is guaranteed to boost your confidence – especially when you know you’re responsible for organizing it. Smaller spaces are easier to decorate, tidy up and keep clean and organized at all times – so you’ll be able to keep your home beautiful and feel proud every time you present it to your guests.

Prevents you from feeling lonely

One of the mental health benefits of downsizing, if not the biggest one, is that you are bound to feel less alone in a place that is smaller and not as full of memories compared to a house where you’ve lived for most of your life. A big and empty house can feel daunting and overwhelming at times, especially if you are the only one living in it. 

Moreover, moving to a smaller living space to be close to your friends and family is a great way to prevent feeling alone when you reach a certain age. It’s important to note that downsizing will by no means fix all your problems. If you are feeling sad or lonely, you should make sure to get the help you need and talk to a professional. If you don’t have the time or energy to book an in-person therapy session, a good option to consider is choosing an online therapy provider.

It makes you live in the present

Living in the same house for many years means that it is full of memories that you have been accumulating practically for an entire lifetime. Although in a way, being surrounded by all these memories is a beautiful thing, it may very easily provoke feelings of nostalgia and sadness. To put it simply – being constantly surrounded by memories can weigh you down emotionally. Getting rid of them by downsizing can be just the thing you need in order to free your mind, liberate yourself, and significantly improve your mental health. Think of your new apartment as a clean slate and a new beginning.

safety issues are important for seniors and downsizng can help create healthier spaces for living.

One of the mental health benefits of downsizing is getting rid of memories – but it doesn’t mean that you need to get rid of all of them.

Prevents safety risks

Decluttering can also help remove safety hazards and reduce the risks of harming your well-being in any way, which is particularly important if you are an older person. Some of the things that you should keep a lookout for are:

  • Cables or electricity chords lying on the ground – they are not easy to spot, so someone can easily trip over them and get injured
  • Unnecessary clutter, such as items and boxes, impedes walkability
  • Items that have been left unattended for long periods of time may contain dust or mold, which are hazardous to people suffering from breathing problems
  • Dirty and cluttered spaces are a breeding ground for mice, roaches, and other pests which transmit various diseases

A conclusion on the mental health benefits of downsizing

Hopefully, by the end of this article, you will have understood that, although it is a challenging and exhausting thing to do, there are a lot of mental health benefits of downsizing. You should consider all of them and weigh your options before deciding to take this critical step. Lastly, consider that, apart from being emotionally challenging, downsizing is by no means a physically easy job. For this reason, another question is whether you need to hire a professional to help you during this time.


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10 Downsizing Tips For Boomers Who Want To Declutter

good downsizing starts with proper organizing and therefore it is best to use a professional organizer

It’s no secret that many baby boomers are downsizing as they approach retirement. After years of accumulating stuff, they’re now faced with the daunting task of decluttering and simplifying their lives.

If you’re a boomer who is considering downsizing, here are 10 tips to help you get started:

1. Start with the easy stuff

Don’t try to tackle everything at once. Start with the items that are easiest to part with. This could be things that you don’t use often, or items that hold sentimental value but aren’t truly valuable.

Also, don’t be afraid to get rid of things that are in good condition but you no longer have a use for. Just because something is still usable doesn’t mean you have to keep it.

2. Get rid of duplicates

Do you really need two sets of golf clubs? Or three coffee makers? If you have multiple items that serve the same purpose, get rid of the extras. When you think about it, do you really need more than one of anything?

With enough items decluttered from a room, you can even consider using the newly acquired space to add a home gym and save on gym memberships. 

3. Don’t forget about your closet

Clothes are often some of the hardest things to get rid of, but downsizing is a great opportunity to purge your closet. If you haven’t worn something in a year or two, chances are you won’t miss it.

When cleaning your closet, you need to be honest with yourself. If something doesn’t fit or you don’t love it, get rid of it. You can also consider donating clothes that are in good condition but you no longer want.

downsizing is about making decision of what to keep and what to give away or sell and a professional organizer can help

4. Have a yard sale

Yard sales are a great way to get rid of unwanted items and make some extra cash. Just be sure to advertise ahead of time so people know when and where to find you. When organizing a yard sale, be sure to price items reasonably so they’ll sell. After all, the goal is to get rid of stuff, not make a fortune.

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5. Donate to charity


If you have items that are in good condition but you no longer want or need them, consider donating them to a local charity. This is a great way to declutter your home and help those in need.

When considering a charity to donate to, make sure to do your research. You want to be sure your donations are going to a reputable organization that will put them to good use.decluttering, selling items, giving items to charity, packing are all part of what a senior move manager handles and more.

6. Sell online

There are a number of online platforms where you can sell unwanted items, such as eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace. This is a great option if you have larger items that would be difficult to transport to a yard sale.

When selling anything online, be sure to use caution. Meet buyers in a public place and be sure to have someone with you if possible.

7. Use storage wisely

If you’re downsizing to a smaller home, you may need to get creative with storage. Look for furniture with built-in storage, such as ottomans with removable lids or coffee tables with drawers.

You’ll be surprised by how much stuff you can actually store in a small space if you use it wisely.

8. Declutter your home before you move

 Moving is a perfect opportunity to declutter your home. Start packing up items that you know you won’t need in your new place, such as seasonal clothing or extra furniture. This will make the moving process easier and help you avoid taking unnecessary things to your new home.

Also, be sure to measure your new space before you move. This will help you determine what furniture will actually fit and avoid any surprises on moving day.

9. Don’t forget about digital clutter

In today’s digital world, we often accumulate a lot of “stuff” that we don’t even realize. Take some time to declutter your digital life by deleting old files and photos, unsubscribing from unwanted emails, and cleaning up your social media accounts.

With a clear computer storage, not only will you have more space for new things, but you’ll also be less likely to experience technical issues down the road.

A professional senior move manager can also help decluttering your digital life

10. Be realistic about what you can keep

It’s important to be realistic about what you can actually keep when downsizing. If you’re moving from a four-bedroom house to a two-bedroom apartment, you’re not going to be able to take everything with you. Be selective and only keep the items that are truly important to you.

A Checklist to Stick to When Getting Rid of Clutter

If you need help getting started, use this checklist as a guide: 

  • -Start with one room at a time and make your way through the entire house
  • -Make three piles for each item: keep, donate/sell, trash
  • -Be ruthless when making decisions and don’t let sentimentality get in the way
  • -For items you’re keeping, find a place for them right away so they don’t end up as clutter again
  • -For items you’re donating or selling, pack them up and get them out of the house as soon as possible
  • -And finally, for items you’re throwing away, put them in garbage bags and take them out to the trash can right away

Examples of Decluttering a Room

The following are some examples of how you can declutter different rooms in your home:


  • -Start by getting rid of clothes that you no longer wear. If you haven’t worn it in a year, chances are you never will. Donate or sell these items to make room for the things you actually love.
  • -Next, declutter your nightstand. Get rid of old magazines, books you’ve already read, and any other items that are just taking up space.
  • -Finally, go through your closet and get rid of anything that doesn’t fit or that you no longer wear. Again, if you haven’t worn it in a year, chances are you never will.

Living room: 

  • -Start by decluttering your coffee table. Get rid of old magazines, coasters, and anything else that’s just taking up space.
  • -Next, go through your bookshelves and get rid of any books you no longer want or need. Donate these to a local library or sell them online.
  • -Finally, declutter your entertainment center. Get rid of any old movies or video games you no longer play. If you have a lot of DVDs, consider getting rid of them and switching to a digital format.


  • -Start by going through your pantry and getting rid of any expired food items. Throw away anything that’s been sitting in there for months (or even years!).
  • -Next, declutter your cabinets and get rid of any dishes or cookware you no longer use. Donate these items to a local shelter or food bank.
  • -Finally, declutter your fridge and freezer. Toss out any old leftovers or expired food items. And if your fridge is full of Take-Out menus, it’s time to get rid of those too!

Downsizing your home can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these tips and using this checklist, you can declutter your home and make the moving process a breeze. So what are you waiting for? Start downsizing today!

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Consider 5 Renovations When Aging in Place

professional decluttering can help create space for a renovation

 There comes a time in everyone’s life when we have to start thinking about retirement. Some people decide to move to a senior’s home, some move to a smaller, more convenient home, and some decide to age in place. Aging in place is when you stay in the comfort of your home during the last chapter of your life. There are many benefits to doing this—you will not have to move, you will be close to everyone you love, etc. But, there, where there are pros, there are also cons.

Namely, aging in a home that was built for families is not going to be easy—you will have to deal with a lot of stairs, narrow doorways, multiple floors, and other things that you will start to look like obstacles. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t consider aging in place; it only means that you should make some adjustments before you do. And, that will be our topic of the day—5 renovations to consider when again place. So, keep on reading if you, or your senior loved ones, want to age in place.

1. Create a Room Downstairs

The home you want to continue living in is probably your family home. That means that you have a lot of floors and a lot of stairs. And, that also means that your bedroom is upstairs. If we are right, then one of the first renovations to consider when aging in place is creating a room for yourself downstairs. That doesn’t have to be anything big or complex. After all, all you need in there is a bed and closet. Everything else you already have on your first floor (bathroom, kitchen, living room).

However, if you have a lot of stuff that you typically keep upstairs, and if you plan on continuing to use all of that, it might be a good idea to consider investing in some innovative home storage options for your first floor on time too!

Caption: A bedroom downstairs is a must for all seniors.

baby boomers should continue to exercise

2. Modify the Bathroom

Next to your bedroom should be a bathroom, of course. There too, you should make some renovations when aging in place. The first thing you should do is replace your bathtub with a shower. Over time, getting in and out of the bath is going to become more and more complex, so be sure to do this before it comes to that. Then, it would also be a good idea to swap your current toilet for one that has a built-in bidet. And, don’t forget to add grab bars next to it.

If making these two changes (having a room downstairs and renovating the bathroom) is not an option, you should reconsider your decision to age in place. Getting up and down the stairs to sleep and using the bathroom may not be a problem now, but it will undoubtedly become a problem later. So, talk to your family about moving to a more convenient home. And, don’t worry about senior moving either—there are many moving companies that specialize in helping seniors move and do all other moving-related things.

3. Install Grab Bars and Handrails

But, we understand that it is still emotionally difficult to leave your home. If that is the case, you should consider renovating it so that it helps you move in a safe way. Going up and down the stairs is not only difficult, but it is also very dangerous. One wrong step and you can slip and fall. That will most likely result in a broken bone or two.

Prevent that from happening by installing grab bars and handrails everywhere around the house. You should install grab bars in your bathroom and maybe even next to your bed or sofa you like to sit in. Then, install handrails next to all staircases. Moreover, even if you are handy now, don’t tackle this (or any other) renovation alone. Learn to simplify it—hire a handyman or have your family member come and help you out. This will make renovation more convenient for everyone.


renovations and downsizing are better handled by professional organizers

4. Renovations to Consider when Aging in Place—Widen All the Doorways

Unfortunately, aging in place usually means having to use a wheelchair at a certain point. So, even if you are not using them now, you should be prepared for that possibility. The best way to do that is to, first, widen all the doorways. They must be 32 inches or wider to accommodate the wheelchair.

Moreover, when thinking about widening all the doorways, you should also consider leveling your floors. If you have just one step that is higher or lower than your floor, it will be impossible to use a wheelchair. So, talk to your contractor about this when talking about things you have to do to make your retirement property feel cozy and easy to use in your golden years.


making space, downsizing, renovations all of these cna be help iwht a professional organizer

5. Invest in Smart Technology

One of the last but certainly not least home renovations to consider when aging in place is investing in smart technology. You can age more practically and peacefully by letting technology work for you. Nowadays, there is not a thing that technology can’t do. For instance, it can help you:

  • Reach something
  • Check the fire
  • Control anything with your voice
  • Turn on the lights with a motion sensor

And maybe one of the best things about technology is that it can help you when there is a medical emergency. Namely, you can buy a sort of bracelet, the so-called PERS (a personal emergency response system), which has a button you can push whenever you feel something is wrong with your medical condition. 

As you have seen, there are many renovations to consider when aging in place. We mentioned just the most important ones, but there are many more. It is crucial to think about them before you start feeling difficulty moving or before you get sick. So, talk to your family members and hire a contractor or a senior move manager who will handle the renovation process so that you can age in place and age in peace. 

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How to Downsize as a Boomer: Make Your Retirement Property Feel Cozy

downsizing is a difficult task without getting some help from professional organizer and sr. movers

You recently decided to clear your home, put it on the market, and downsize into a smaller house for retirement. With the support of A Clear Path, tackling this process couldn’t be simpler!

Choosing to clear your old home and sell is a big step, and now that you’re getting settled into your new property, you want to make it truly feel like “home.” What can you do to personalize your new house and make the most of your smaller space? Here are a few ideas to get you inspired!

Take Care of Maintenance

Before you make any aesthetic changes to your home, you’ll need to complete the necessary repairs. If you’re concerned about any major maintenance issues in your home, such as structural problems with the foundation, a potential plumbing leak, or problems with your roof, you should contact a reputable contractor immediately. But if you’re only dealing with minor repairs, you can take a DIY approach. Extra Mile states that you should be able to change your HVAC filters, fix your toilets, and do basic yard work on your own.

Establish an Outdoor Living Space

Perhaps you don’t have as much space in your current home as you did in your old one – but you can basically “extend” this space by creating an outdoor “living room.” This is a great project if you enjoy hosting, especially when the weather is warm outside – your guests will be able to sit down, relax, and enjoy some fresh air at your gatherings. 

How can you set up an outdoor living room? Gardenista recommends starting on a level surface, like a deck or flat ground. Next, you’ll want to:

  • Lay out a floor, like concrete pavers, if necessary.
  • Add hedges or garden beds around part of the perimeter.
  • Create a ceiling with a trellis or pergola.
  • Finally, choose sturdy, aesthetically pleasing furnishings!

Decorate Your Home

Once you’ve completed a few necessary maintenance tasks, you can move on to the fun projects, like decorating! For instance, you might want to head to a local thrift shop to pick up interesting artwork for low prices, add some houseplants in each room, or include some bright new lighting fixtures. 

If you’d like to bring a little life to your bare walls, you could transform your walls with customizable wallpaper! Rather than using standard wallpaper, why not try a peel-and-stick option? 

Use a professional to walk thru your home before you start to downsize and the work will be easier to complete

This variety of wallpaper has an adhesive backing, which makes it convenient to apply. If you’re not happy with your first application, you can remove it and reapply it. And by ordering wallpaper printed on-demand, you’ll have the opportunity to customize your design – which means that you won’t have to worry about your preferred pattern being out of stock!

Clear and Organize Your Home Garage

Your garage can serve lots of purposes – in addition to storing your car, you could also set up a hobby workbench, use it for storage, or even turn it into a home gym. But in order to actually use your garage and get the benefits of this extra space, you need to declutter and organize it first. 

Once you’ve gotten rid of any items in your garage that you no longer need, you’ll want to set up some storage systems so that you can keep your remaining belongings organized: 

  • Shelves can help you get organized without using floor space.
  • Wall cubbies can be used to store shoes, outerwear, and more.
  • If you already have storage tubs, you can label and stack them. 
  • Pegboards are great for hanging tools or other supplies.

Downsize Your Closet as a Boomer

Chances are, you’ve accumulated lots of clothing, shoes, and accessories over the past few decades. Perhaps you were reluctant to toss out part of your wardrobe before you moved – after all, you might have thought you would start wearing some of your old clothes again. But at a certain point, maintaining a large wardrobe becomes more trouble than it’s worth, and you will probably benefit from clearing it out.

If you need to sort through lots of clothes, here’s how to tackle the process:

  • Be honest with yourself – if you haven’t worn a particular item in a year, it’s time for it to go! 
  • Clothes that are in good condition can be given to friends or relatives or donated to charity. 
  • If you’re letting go of some items that are ripped or stained, they should simply be thrown away.
  • Organize your remaining clothes by color or style.

Create an Entertainment Room

Do you love watching movies or catching a few episodes of your favorite TV show? Do you ever wish you could watch them on the big screen without going all the way to a movie theater? If you have the available space in your new home, you could create an entertainment room! 

easing stress is on the way when you use a professional to help downsize your home.

There’s nothing quite like having your very own home theater. Your guests will definitely be impressed! To set up a home theater, you’ll need the right technology, such as a large flat-screen TV and a great sound system. You’ll also want to get comfortable seating for a few people. You can even buy seats that have cup holders and tray tables that fold out so people can enjoy snacks and drinks while they watch movies.

Design a “Zen Corner”

When you retired, did you hope to spend more time practicing self-care? If so, you could create a relaxing “zen corner” in your home: 

  • Add a couple of yoga mats and a meditation cushion.
  • Choose artwork that makes you feel relaxed and calm when you look at it. 
  • You could even bring in a small speaker so that you can play soothing music. 
  • A decorative water fountain could also be a nice touch. 

You can personalize your zen corner to your tastes – after all, it’s your place to escape when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

You want to love where you live in retirement. If you’re a boomer who has recently chosen to clear your old home and downsize, you might feel a little out of place by now. But by embarking on some of these renovation projects, you’ll be able to get comfortable in your new home and give it a cozier feel.

Are you ready to clear out your estate and move somewhere new? A Clear Path can get the job done! Call us today at 818-400-9592 to get started.

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Guide to Handling Sentimental Items when Downsizing

Boxes that you can use to handle sentimental items while downsizing.

When it comes to relocation, especially senior relocation, which entails downsizing, you need to expect quite a few tearful moments. Since you’ll need to give up some of your belongings for the sake of comfort and personal space, you’ll need to acknowledge the importance of some of your pieces. Handling sentimental items when downsizing isn’t something that you’ll just know how to do. Sometimes we’re overcome with emotion, and our judgment is clouded. Luckily, many have gone through a similar experience before you, and you can learn from their mistakes and successes. Let’s dive into this guide that should help you know what to expect.

Don’t rush into anything

The first important thing you should keep in mind when handling sentimental items while downsizing is taking your time. Depending on how emotional you are, you’ll need to find a way to deal with your feelings during this period. Merely pushing through and not allowing yourself to feel is never a good idea. Before you get to the practical part of parting with your belongings, you should dedicate some time to emotional preparation.

Invite your family

One of the best ways to deal with items with sentimental value is to call up the people that will feel the same way. Even if they’re not as attached to a particular prized possession as you are, they’ll still offer emotional support and help you go through this period with as much ease as possible. 

A big family having lunch and discussing ways of handling sentimental items when downsizing.

Invite your family over and decide how you’ll handle your sentimental items.

Make an inventory of your home

Make sure to have a plan set in motion before you start handling sentimental belongings when downsizing. It’ll not only help you be productive and finish faster, but you’ll also be more likely to focus on the purpose and remember why you’re doing this. Making home inventories sounds a bit frightening and overwhelming if you’ve never done it. However, it’s really not. These are the three most essential tips you should follow

  • Begin as early as possible
  • It’s imperative to take as much time as you need. Handling sentimental items when downsizing can be overwhelming enough on its own; you don’t have to add fuel to the fire.
  • Start with a rough sketch
  • Don’t list all your items one by one right away. Instead, make sure to divide them up into categories and work your way up from there.
  • Find a place to store your items for the time being
  • Be it a storage unit or your basement, you need to have a room where you’ll keep everything so that it doesn’t get in your way during the relocation.

Organization is key

If you’re not great at organizing and creating lists and plans, that’s okay. We can’t all be great at everything. That’s why there are organizing services that could be of great assistance. They can help you prepare and execute any decluttering job in no time. 

Go down memory lane

Know that this doesn’t have to be a very dark and sad period. You can invite your children and grandchildren to come by and create a fun and enjoyable day out of it. Exchange some stories from your younger days and memories that you hold dear. Take this time to reminisce and say goodbye to some experiences. These stories will live on and take on a different dimension once you share them. 

When downsizing many inexpensive itmes might have very high sentimental value, there use a proper Estate clearing service

Moving can be stressful

Although handling your belongings with sentimental value will probably be the most emotionally draining aspect, you still need to relocate. Moving is a process that takes a lot of time and effort, so hiring relocation specialists and employing move management services is often advised. This way, you’ll get to properly say goodbye and let go of your past while professionals handle the technical things.

Hire packing services

If you don’t want to deal with the packing part of your relocation either, that’s fine as well. Hire packing services, and you’ll have everything packed before you know it. Be very specific about what you want, the timeframe, and the price you’re willing to pay. Being direct will help both you and the people you’re hiring.

Cleaning and clearing are essential when downsizing

Seeing how our outdated items are usually somewhere in the back of the closet or the basement, you’ll need to take some time to clean these areas. Once you’ve done that, you’ll also need to declutter, organize and clear out anything you no longer use. 

Hire clearing services

If clearing is yet another thing that you cannot fit into your schedule, there are always estate clearing services at your disposal. Hiring these professionals is somewhat different from hiring a moving company since they’ll spend a lot more time in your home. For this reason, make sure that your schedules are aligned.

Gifts of sentimental value can be created with a Professional Estate clearing service like A Clear Path when downsizing.

If you need to part with your sentimental items when downsizing, give them to your family or friends.

What to do with your sentimental items

  • Give to your family and friends

If these items are a family heirloom or something of that sort, why not give them to your children and grandchildren? It’ll be much easier to part ways with objects that mean something to you if you give them to people that mean something to you too.

  • Recycle or donate

It’s important to either recycle or donate these items. Don’t simply throw them in the trash; someone might get some use out of them.

  • Keep in a storage unit

Handling sentimental items when downsizing can be too hard at times. If you absolutely cannot imagine ever saying goodbye to the things that you cherish dearly, keep them. Nowadays, it’s easy to rent out a storage unit and keep your things there.


Streamline Your Life: Tips for Downsizing to a Smaller Home

Streamline Your Life:

Tips for Downsizing to a Smaller Home

downsizing can be a very emotional task and using a move manager from the start can create a safe environment

Downsizing to a smaller home is a natural part of life for many adults, but it’s also considerably challenging. Suddenly, you’re in the position of having to decide which of the belongings you’ve accumulated over the years will be thrown out or given away. 

It’s more than just a matter of purging and eliminating the excess – you have to downsize because you now have less square footage. Forcing yourself to get rid of treasured belongings is an emotional ordeal that can be overwhelming for many people. The experts recommend you take care of it before you move and things get really chaotic and continue working on it after you’ve moved. The last thing you want is to move a bunch of clutter from one home to another. 


Being organized is essential if you want everything to go smoothly. Begin by planning how you’ll approach downsizing. Many people make lists of what items they’ll throw away, what can be donated and which possessions they’ll take with them. Go room by room as you assemble your lists, physically placing everything into piles according to what you plan to do with them. 

This can also be a great opportunity to host a yard sale — moving is expensive, and selling unneeded items can help cut the cost. If you find it hard to part with things, establish a set list of criteria that will help you decide. Ask yourself, “When was the last time I used this?,” “How and why would I use this?,” “Do I have something else that does the same thing?,” “Do I love this item so much that it would trouble me emotionally to part with it?,” and most importantly, “Can I do without this?

Plan of attack

Have a plan in place for when you move. That means knowing where your furniture will go, and how it will be arranged when you move into your new home. Take pictures of the layout of your new apartment or house, and identify where everything will go ahead of time. You can also use a color coding system as you pack up your belongings so you know what room each box should be placed in. 

Change your thinking

Downsizing means you need to rethink how you live, or at least how you acquire new items. If you’re used to living in a house with plenty of square footage, you probably haven’t had to worry about limiting your purchases based on available space.

Now that your circumstances and square footage will change, you need to adapt. The biggest part of downsizing is adapting to the mindset. It’s a new start, a way of simplifying your life without the encumbrances that dictated how and where you could live. 

to stay organized one needs to make sure to de-clutter first and use a professional for help.Stay clutter-free

Once you’ve settled into your smaller space, consider a new approach to keeping your home clutter-free. When things get messy, clean them up immediately, don’t put it off — that’s how clutter builds up. By keeping a strong sense of organization, it will be easier to continue to live clutter-free. You’re also less likely to regret having downsized if you don’t allow clutter to become a problem.  

Your aesthetic can help too
Having an overall aesthetic or a specific look for each room will not only show off your preferred style, but it can also help maximize the space. This can be done through lighting, using minimal furniture, and being mindful of wall colors. For example, a small room feels smaller if every wall is painted the same bold color. Rather than paint four walls red, consider three light-colored walls with one bold accent wall. Alternatively, if you really want to add some flair, try wallpaper. With so many colors, patterns, themes and textures, you’re bound to find the perfect way to dress up your room. Plus, with modern wallpaper, you can easily swap out your choice if you opt for the peel-and–stick variety. 

Think of downsizing as an opportunity to streamline your life. Now that you’ve gotten your possessions under control and organized, maintain that mindset as you begin your life in a new home. It’s an excellent way of making sure you’re living within your means.