Organizing Mistakes

Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in: Organizing Mistakes: 27 Slip-Ups to Avoid During Your Next Project | Redfin

Organizing is difficult and can be a stressful, time-consuming project. It’s also an essential skill that can increase your physical and emotional health. Chances are, though, that during an organizing project, you made a few mistakes. While it’s natural to feel disappointed or frustrated when mistakes occur, it’s important to recognize them as valuable learning opportunities rather than failures.

So, whether you live in a house in Brentwood, CA, or a Greenville, SC, apartment, these expert-backed tips are sure to make your life easier. Read on for 27 organizing mistakes to avoid during your next decluttering project.

Read the full article here: Organizing Mistakes: 27 Slip-Ups to Avoid During Your Next Project | Redfin

Downsizing with Ease: Empowering Boomers to Embrace a Simpler, More Fulfilling Lifestyle

downsizing boomers can be a difficult task, but help from a senior move manager will ease the task.


As the baby boomer generation approaches retirement, a growing number of individuals are seeking to downsize their lives. Downsizing, the intentional act of simplifying and reducing possessions, holds significant relevance for boomers in today’s society. It offers financial security and the opportunity to create a more fulfilling lifestyle by downsizing home inventories. So, we will explore how empowering boomers to embrace downsizing with ease can lead to a simpler, more rewarding existence. 

Downsizing With ease and Overcoming Emotional Barriers 

For many baby boomers looking to downsize and embrace a simpler life, one of the biggest challenges lies in overcoming emotional barriers. As individuals who have accumulated possessions and memories over a lifetime, letting go can be an emotionally charged process. The sentimental value attached to items can create a sense of attachment and reluctance to part ways. However, boomers must confront these emotional barriers head-on to embark on a downsizing journey. One effective strategy for overcoming emotional attachments is gradually approaching the decluttering and organizing process. Taking small steps allows boomers to adjust to the idea of letting go and reduces feelings of overwhelm. They can start by sorting items into categories and making decisions based on their importance and utility. 

  • confront emotional barriers head-on 
  • approach decluttering gradually 
  • sort items into categories 

Another helpful technique is focusing on the positive aspects of downsizing, such as the freedom and liberation of a simpler lifestyle. Boomers can visualize the benefits of decluttering, such as less maintenance and more time and energy for meaningful experiences. Moreover, seeking support from loved ones, friends, or support groups can make the downsizing process less daunting. Engaging in open conversations about emotional challenges can provide a sense of empathy and understanding, allowing boomers to process their feelings more effectively. By sharing stories and experiences, boomers can gain valuable insights and advice from others who have successfully downsized. 

Making plans for a downsize before execution is necessary for a smooth transition and this is what a certified senior move manager will do.

Design A Functional Living Space By Downsizing 

This is a crucial aspect of downsizing for baby boomers seeking a simpler lifestyle. One effective strategy is to embrace the concept of “rightsizing” – selecting a home or living arrangement that perfectly suits boomers’ needs and preferences. Boomers should prioritize simplicity, practicality, and efficiency when designing a functional living space and creating a clean home. It is important to carefully evaluate each item occupying the space carefully, considering its usefulness and value. Selecting furniture and storage solutions that serve multiple purposes, such as ottomans with hidden storage or modular shelving systems, can maximize the functionality of the space.

Furthermore, organizing and decluttering play a significant role in creating a functional living environment. Home organizing services and move management can make this process easier. You can speed up the boomer downsize process with a move manager. Furthermore, clearing house estates with estate cleaning services can be easy. 

In terms of layout and design, boomers should prioritize ease of movement and accessibility. Ensuring that pathways are clear and wide enough for mobility aids, if needed, is crucial. Incorporating ergonomic furniture and fixtures can enhance comfort and reduce physical strain. Lastly, incorporating natural light and open spaces can create a sense of airiness and promote a peaceful atmosphere. By carefully considering the design and functionality of their living space, boomers can create a harmonious and efficient environment that supports their desired simpler lifestyle.

Embracing A Minimalist Lifestyle 

This can be a transformative and empowering choice for baby boomers seeking a simpler way of life. By consciously shifting their focus from material possessions to experiences and relationships, boomers can find a renewed sense of fulfillment and contentment. Adopting a minimalist mindset involves decluttering physical belongings and mental and emotional clutter. As boomers look to live a simpler life, they can begin by assessing their priorities and identifying what truly brings them joy and meaning. Letting go of excessive material possessions can be liberating, freeing up physical space and mental energy. Furthermore, a senior moving specialist can make a senior relocation easy. 

  • declutter mental and physical clutter 
  • assess your priorities 
  • identify what truly brings joy

It allows boomers to appreciate and value what truly matters to them. Minimalism encourages intentional living, where every decision is made with purpose. Boomers can practice mindful consumption, only acquiring items that serve a practical or genuine purpose in their lives. This approach can help them break free from the consumerist culture and reduce unnecessary expenses. Moreover, a minimalist lifestyle encourages sustainability and environmental consciousness. Boomers can opt for quality over quantity, investing in well-made, durable items that will stand the test of time. By reducing their ecological footprint, they contribute to a healthier planet for future generations. Downsizing with ease allows baby boomers to reinvent retirement and create a new chapter filled with purpose and fulfillment. 

de-cluttering as a task in downsizing, can be bing up many emotions as decision are made to keep, throw away or sell.

Creating A Simpler And More Fulfilling Retirement 

Reinventing retirement after downsizing involves redefining what it means to retire. Boomers can break away from traditional notions of retirement as a time of leisure and relaxation and instead view it as a period of personal growth and exploration. They can embark on second careers, start their businesses, or engage in meaningful volunteer work that aligns with their values. Additionally, downsizing allows boomers to relocate to new areas with a different lifestyle or closer proximity to nature and outdoor activities. This change in environment can provide a fresh perspective and a chance to explore new hobbies, connect with like-minded individuals, and engage in vibrant communities. 

When downsizing, avoid DIY moving for seniors. Overall, it’s best to reconsider your DIY move to protect your health and be able to enjoy your reinvented retirement. Reinventing retirement also means prioritizing health and wellness. Boomers can use their newfound time and freedom to focus on physical fitness, mental well-being, and cultivating a healthy lifestyle. They can participate in activities such as yoga, hiking, or joining fitness groups that promote an active and fulfilling retirement. By reinventing retirement after downsizing, boomers can live a more purposeful, dynamic, and satisfying life. They can embrace new challenges, continue to learn and grow, and positively impact their communities. Downsizing becomes a catalyst for a re-imagined retirement filled with excitement, fulfillment, and endless possibilities.

Making Downsizing And Moving Easier For Boomers 

Downsizing and moving can be daunting for baby boomers, but with the right approach and mindset, it can become a smooth and empowering experience. To simplify the process, start early and plan by creating a timeline and checklist to stay organized. Assess your belongings and prioritize what you truly need and cherish, separating them into categories like keep, donate, sell, or discard. Consider hiring professionals specializing in downsizing and organizing to provide guidance and support. Optimize space when moving to a smaller home by carefully planning your furniture layout and utilizing storage solutions.

  • plan by creating a timeline 
  • donate, sell, or discard what you don’t need 
  • plan your furniture layout in advance 

Label boxes and containers to easily identify their contents during the move and unpacking process. Enlist the help of family, friends, or professional movers to ease the physical aspects of the move. Embrace the new chapter by viewing it as an opportunity for a fresh start, open to new experiences, and focusing on the positive aspects of your simplified lifestyle. By following these downsizing and moving tips, boomers can easily navigate the process, reduce stress, and embrace their new, simpler living environment, leading to a fulfilling and empowering transition.

ease the task of a downsize and possible move with a certified senior move manage, like Regina Lark of A Clear Path.

To Sum Up 

In conclusion, downsizing with ease empowers baby boomers to embrace a simpler, more fulfilling lifestyle. Letting go of excess possessions and prioritizing experiences over material possessions can lead to a greater sense of fulfillment. Downsizing becomes an opportunity to create a harmonious living environment that supports boomers’ needs and desires. By downsizing, boomers can reduce financial burdens, optimize their living spaces, and focus on what truly matters in life. It is a journey that requires planning, support, and a willingness to embrace change. However, the rewards are profound: a simpler life filled with meaningful connections, personal growth, and a sense of purpose.

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Closet Organization 101 : A Complete Guide to a More Functional Closet

Lots of reasons to clean out and organize closets. Using a professional organizer will help ease the stress.

Organizing a closet can be a chore, but a simple system to get you started is sorting through items you want to keep, donate, and throw away.  If you are cleaning out the closet in preparation for a move, contact your relocation specialist first to see if this is something to handle on your own, or if it is a service they provide. The Boomer downsize movement is happening nationwide and there are many resources available to help Seniors get through their move stress-free. Before you swing those closet doors open, this list of storage solutions will get you started creating a serene and beautiful closet:

  • Shoe racks
  • Hat racks
  • Belt and purse hangers
  • Shallow under the bed containers
  • Plastic sorting containers
  • Donate bin
  • Trash bin
  • Stick on LED lights

Set Up Sorting Containers

Shoebox sized containers that you can find at the container store are the best size. This will allow you to store knick-knacks in closets where storage is the main purpose. Make sure to get containers with lids so that you can stack them to make the most of the space. As you remove items, sort like with like. This means your phone chargers and batteries shouldn’t be in the same box as your cleaning products. Remember that the main purpose of getting organized is to know where to find everything. Professional Organizers call this “a home for every item.”  A large donate container and trash bin will help you eliminate those items you don’t utilize anymore. Getting organized before actually diving into the closet organizing helps tremendously. Now, once you’ve opened the closet doors, here’s where the following expert tips will come in handy.

organizing a closet is often a precursor to a full pack and unpack move. Best to use a Certified Senior Move managerTake it one closet at a time

It doesn’t matter if you’re tackling a hallway closet or a walk-in closet – take out smaller items and work your way up to larger items, one at a time, so that you can properly determine which stay-or-go pile it fits into. Start with the smallest closet and work your way up to the largest. This leaves space throughout your home to put items where they are best utilized. You will be happiest with your organizing result if you keep items close to the part of the house where you use them the most.

Thoroughly clean the empty space

A small handheld vacuum can get the dust and small stuff out of a small closet in a few minutes. Once every item has been removed, and the space is vacuumed, wipe down everything from shelves to rods, hooks, and hangers. Make sure you give your closet door a good wipe down as well. There is nothing worse than a beautifully organized closet that is full of dust and sticky messes that soil freshly washed clothes.       

Measure the space

There are a few reasons to measure the space in each closet. The first is to make sure everything that is returning to the closet will fit. Every professional organizer becomes an expert in space management because purging is an important part of getting home spaces usable and aesthetically pleasing. You also need to know how much space you have for storage products that you may need to purchase. You may even find that it makes sense to re-purpose a closet for different items than the ones that you’re taking out. Be disciplined in your purging. There are dozens of studies that show that people of all ages are happier with less stuff and more space. Remember that the less you have in your closet the larger it will seem.

Determine storage ratios

closet shelving will help to reorganize a closet which is a comment suggestion from professional organizers.How many of your items will need hanging space vs shelf space? Take this into account before purchasing hangers, shelves, and drawers. You will want to determine how much space you need once you’re done purging, so take this step once the closet is cleared and all items have been sorted, donated, or thrown out.  There are probably large items or things like dirty boots that may be better off in a garage or shed where they won’t dirty up your beautiful new closet. You can watch this quick video on file folding to help maximize drawer space

Incorporate helpful storage solutions

Make the most out of your closet space by implementing storage solutions like shoe racks, shelf dividers, and over-the-door storage. Start by examining how much you have of items in different categories. Don’t forget storage solutions for smaller items like hats and belts that tend to make your closet cluttered even after it’s organized. Remember that space under the bed is often underutilized and a shallow zip-up clothing container can help you better use the space. Closet contents don’t  always need to have labels, but if you’re storing things in your closet that are seldom used, be sure to label the bins that you’re keeping them in.

Upgrade lighting

Traditional closets have a tendency to be dim. Not surprisingly, lighting in these areas can give them a gloomy feel, and smaller closets may lack any type of lighting inside. To brighten up this space, invest in some inexpensive stick on LED lights. They are battery powered and will give your closet a completely different look. They can be placed on the ceiling, under shelves, really wherever you need the light. Ikea also has a large selection of excellent plug-in LED products.

Keep everyday items in plain view

Organizing and hiding are very different strategies. Consider storing seasonal items on the top or bottom of your closet, while everyday wear should be front and center and easy to access. If you work from home you probably don’t need that suit or other work clothes taking up prime real estate. Move these items to harder to reach spaces. If there are things in your bedroom closet you really don’t want to look at all the time, that is probably a good reason to find another home for them. If you really want a sleek look in your closet, a professional organizer can give it a boutique look that you never thought possible.

Plan to seasonally clean and reorganize

With different seasons come different wardrobes. A quarterly reminder to switch out everyday clothing and shoes, will if you are going to organize a closet, help from professional organizers can make this a very easy task.make your closet more usable throughout the year. Another rule that can help you with acquiring too many of the same clothes and keep your wardrobe fresh is the one in one out rule. Every time you buy something, find a similar size item you can do without to donate. Someone else will enjoy your clothes as much as you did!

The closet is a great place to start organizing as it is usually the space where all of those items that don’t have a home end up. Remember, staying organized is an ongoing process, so diligently re-organizing and eliminating unwanted items will keep your closet looking “Pinterest Perfect”. If you need professional home organization services, there are plenty of organizing services nationwide who can get your closet organized in a day or less.

This is a guest post by Kevin Connors. If you’re based in the Phoenix area, please contact for a free consultation. A Happy Closet is an Organized Closet!


Estate Clearing Made Simple Professional Support for a Stress-Free Process

Estate clearing can be a daunting and emotionally challenging task. However, with the help of estate clearing services, the process can become significantly more manageable. This blog post will explore how important it is to get professional support to make the entire process stress-free. From understanding the importance of estate clearing to choosing the right service provider, we’ll explore the benefits of seeking professional assistance. We’ll also discuss the step-by-step process with expert help, including case studies highlighting success stories. Additionally, we’ll address the emotional challenges associated with this journey and how professionals offer sensitivity and empathy. By the end of this post, you’ll understand why pro services are invaluable for a smooth and hassle-free clearing process.

Understanding Estate Clearing

Estate clearing involves organizing and managing the belongings of a deceased individual or those going through significant life changes, such as downsizing or relocation. Common reasons for needing these services:

  • The passing of a loved one
  • Downsizing
  • A change in lifestyle

It is also essential to plan for the unexpected, such as moving day emergencies, which can add further stress to an already challenging situation. These services help individuals navigate the emotional and practical challenges during this process, offering support, expertise, and sensitivity to ensure a smooth and respectful transition.

a profession organizer and senior move manager can can the estate clearing process easier and with less stress.

This process can be overwhelming for an individual, so it’s better to let pros take over

 The Benefits of Estate Clearing Services

Estate clearing services offer numerous advantages for individuals facing the overwhelming task of managing a loved one’s belongings or downsizing their possessions. By hiring professionals, individuals gain access to their expertise and experience, ensuring the process is handled efficiently and effectively. These services provide comprehensive support, including sorting and organizing personal belongings, appraising and valuing assets, planning and executing estate sales, managing donations, and liquidating remaining items. With professional services, individuals can save valuable time and energy as professionals handle the intricate details and logistics. Additionally, their coordination with other professionals, such as attorneys and real estate agents, simplifies the overall process and alleviates additional client burdens.


Having a well-crafted list of questions is crucial when selecting an estate clearing services provider. It ensures that you make an informed decision by covering all the necessary aspects while maintaining clarity, structure, and conciseness.

You need to have a list of questions when choosing the right estate clearing services provider

Choosing the Right Service Provider

Selecting the appropriate estate clearing service provider is crucial for a smooth and successful process. Some factors to consider include the provider’s reputation, experience, range of services offered, client testimonials, pricing transparency, licensing, and insurance. Initial consultations and on-site assessments are essential to assess compatibility and understand the specific needs of the estate. Asking relevant questions, such as how they handle delicate items or their emotional support approach, helps make an informed decision. Ultimately, choosing a service provider that aligns with the client’s requirements and values ensures a reliable and trustworthy partnership throughout this journey.

The Process 

Estate clearing with professional support follows a systematic approach to alleviating the burden on individuals. The process begins with an initial consultation and assessment, where the professionals understand the specific requirements and develop a customized plan. They assist in sorting and categorizing belongings, appraising assets for accurate valuation, and planning and executing estate sales. Additionally, professionals coordinate the donation and liquidation of remaining items, ensuring a responsible and sustainable approach. Throughout each step, estate clearing professionals maintain open communication and collaboration with the client, providing updates, addressing concerns, and adapting the plan as needed. With their expertise and guidance, the estate clearing process becomes more organized, efficient, and stress-free for individuals seeking professional support.

 Case Studies: Success Stories 

Real-life case studies exemplify the effectiveness of estate clearing services in simplifying the process. These success stories highlight how professionals efficiently managed the sorting, appraisal, and sale of belongings, resulting in optimal client outcomes. For instance, one case study showcases how an estate clearing service successfully handled a large estate with diverse assets, ensuring maximum value through strategic sales and targeted marketing. Another case study demonstrates the compassionate approach taken by professionals in navigating the emotional challenges of estate clearing, providing support and resources to help clients cope with grief and sentimental attachments. These examples illustrate how professional clearing services can transform a potentially overwhelming experience into a smooth, organized, and satisfactory process. 

reduce the stress of an estate clearing, by using a professional organizer and senior move manager

Professional aid in surmounting emotional hurdles and difficulties.

Overcoming Emotional Challenges with Professional Support

Estate clearing often involves emotional challenges tied to cherished memories and personal attachments. However, professional services understand the sentimental value of belongings and offer empathetic support throughout the process. They provide a safe space for individuals to express their emotions while offering guidance on making practical decisions. Estate clearing professionals offer sensitivity, compassion, and patience, helping clients navigate the emotional journey. They can also recommend resources for grief counseling, ensuring individuals receive the necessary support to overcome the emotional hurdles that may arise during estate clearing. With their expertise and understanding, professionals provide a comforting presence, making the process more manageable for those involved.

Making the Right Choice

Deciding between a DIY approach and hiring professional services depends on various factors. While a DIY approach may seem cost-effective, it requires significant time, effort, and expertise. Professionals bring valuable experience, efficiency, and knowledge, ensuring a smoother process. They handle intricate tasks such as valuation, estate sales, and coordinating with other professionals. Moreover, professionals provide emotional support and alleviate the burden on individuals. Consider the complexity of the estate, available resources, and personal circumstances when making a choice. Assess the benefits of professional assistance against the potential challenges and decide accordingly, prioritizing a stress-free and successful estate clearing experience.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, estate clearing services offer indispensable support for a stress-free and efficient process. From understanding the importance of estate clearing to choosing the right service provider, professionals guide individuals through emotional and practical challenges. Through their expertise, comprehensive services, and compassionate approach, professionals ensure the careful and sensitive handling of your belongings. Real-life case studies highlight successful outcomes, while the option of professional assistance provides relief from overwhelming tasks. Whether faced with downsizing or managing the belongings of a loved one, these services simplify the process. They save time and energy and provide peace of mind. Embracing the support of professionals ensures a smooth transition, making this process a manageable and positive experience.

Ready to experience a stress-free estate clearing process? Visit today and discover our professional estate clearing services. Click here to learn more and take the first step toward a hassle-free estate clearing journey.

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