How Do Online Estate Sale Auctions Work?

most estatres will need to auction off many items and an certified Senior MOve manager can help with the process

In the era of modern technology, people are used to social networking, online communication, searching for various services, such as relocation professionals, as well as online shopping. What’s more, nowadays, it is even possible to sell real estate online, too. And that no more, no less than in the form of auction. Yes, this is not a joke. You will no longer have to participate in auctions in crowded auction houses. Now you can beat time and distance and finish everything in the comfort of your own home. And all that with a simple click on your computer or your phone. To introduce you to the topic, we will explain the meaning of online auctions and define how online estate sale auctions work.

What are online auctions?

Unlike traditional auctions, where people who want to buy an item or a property need to attend an in-person auction, usually held in an auction house, this online version of the event happens on a web-based platform or through a live stream. Buyers use their computers, tablets, or mobile phones to browse the available items or properties, see the details, and participate in the bidding. They make the selection and decide how much they would like to offer. And, when they get the property they want, and the deal is sealed, all they need to do is to get an excellent moving crew and start their relocation process. And with the help of experts at, it is possible to find all the necessary support and services in just one place.

there are lots of records to keep when using an auction as part of an estate clearout

The very format of the online auction depends on the online platform you use for conducting the process. Some of the most prominent companies offering this kind of convenience are:

  • Openn
  • Realtair
  • Market Buy
  • Gavl

The most significant advantage of this online version of auctions is that buyers take part in them from their own homes or anywhere else they like.

How online estate sale auctions work – a step-by-step guide

Auctioneers usually hold online estate sale auctions. That can be a seller himself or a professional auction staff member. They make sure everything is legal and must conduct the whole process properly.

Moreover, nowadays, more and more people employ this same method when selling their belongings. Thus, for example, if you find some items you no longer need in the process of pre-relocation decluttering, you should simply sell those online. All you need to do is to clean them and do some photo shooting. Remember, good photos are a must. They can really sell your items.

1. Prior to the auction

Both sellers and buyers log in to a virtual auction platform. This is where buyers can see the properties listed for sale. Sellers, on the other hand, can see the real-time interactive bidding. Both parties need to be familiar with the platform used. That is why they are usually advised to register earlier and, if possible, watch several auctions before participating in one.

2. Getting qualified for the auction

When the auction day comes, it’s time to start with the bidding. If you have ever been into a remote purchase, you know the importance of the initial offer. All the buyers give their starting price for the property they are interested in. Then, they come to the point of completing some terms. The terms usually include the deposit information, the settlement date, or some other terms the owner asks for. After the owner considers the terms, he may either agree to them or reject them. The pending prices of the owners whose terms are accepted become live on the property. Those buyers become qualified and receive their own paddle number for the auction.

estate auction are often part of an estate clearance which might involve and auction of itemss.

3. Start bidding

Once a buyer enters one of the online estate sale auctions, he can see all the other buyers’ paddles. They can also get some other details of the auction, such as:

  • the highest bid at that moment
  • the date of the final bidding stage
  • the bidding timeline

It is essential to say that buyers, like in the traditional auction, can change their price whenever they want. All the time, they follow the bidding process and get updates on their e-mail or their phone.

4. Bringing the negotiations to an end

When it is clear that there are enough buyers and their offers, it is time to bring the negotiations to an end. The countdown timer is on, and the buyers get some time to decide whether they want to remain in the auction with their bid or give up. If some buyers decide to increase their offers, the countdown timer needs to reset. That leaves more time for the other competing buyers to change their offers, too.

5. The final point

When the time is up, and there are no more offer changes, the bidding is done. The symbol for that will be the falling of a virtual hammer. The buyer with the highest offer gets the property in question. If everything goes well, the final contract is made, and that is the end of the negotiations. That’s the point when the relocation preparations start.

A Clear Path uses Maxsold as their auctioneer when working on Estate clear outs

Success is guaranteed

No matter whether you choose online or traditional in-person auction, your selling or purchasing experience will probably be successful. However, online auctions still have some advantages. Bidding from the coziness of your living room brings some release to the generally tense atmosphere of the auction. That helps a lot in making sound and smart decisions.

And although some may think that online auctions will not attract people who are not so familiar with virtual settings, the experience proved it wrong. The online platforms used for the auctions are easily manageable. They do not require some special skills, and everyone can learn to use them.

Considering all the aspects, and now that you know how online estate sale auctions work, you should try them yourselves. We are sure you’ll find that both exciting and pretty useful. And, once you purchase real estate and don’t know where to start with relocation, e-mail us to schedule a free 30-minute virtual session and get professional advice on moving and packing. 

Writer’s info:

My name is Julie Thompson. I am from Brooklyn and work as a manager for one big company. I love exploring my creativity and often write engaging blogs on various topics.

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10 Downsizing Tips For Boomers Who Want To Declutter

good downsizing starts with proper organizing and therefore it is best to use a professional organizer

It’s no secret that many baby boomers are downsizing as they approach retirement. After years of accumulating stuff, they’re now faced with the daunting task of decluttering and simplifying their lives.

If you’re a boomer who is considering downsizing, here are 10 tips to help you get started:

1. Start with the easy stuff

Don’t try to tackle everything at once. Start with the items that are easiest to part with. This could be things that you don’t use often, or items that hold sentimental value but aren’t truly valuable.

Also, don’t be afraid to get rid of things that are in good condition but you no longer have a use for. Just because something is still usable doesn’t mean you have to keep it.

2. Get rid of duplicates

Do you really need two sets of golf clubs? Or three coffee makers? If you have multiple items that serve the same purpose, get rid of the extras. When you think about it, do you really need more than one of anything?

With enough items decluttered from a room, you can even consider using the newly acquired space to add a home gym and save on gym memberships. 

3. Don’t forget about your closet

Clothes are often some of the hardest things to get rid of, but downsizing is a great opportunity to purge your closet. If you haven’t worn something in a year or two, chances are you won’t miss it.

When cleaning your closet, you need to be honest with yourself. If something doesn’t fit or you don’t love it, get rid of it. You can also consider donating clothes that are in good condition but you no longer want.

downsizing is about making decision of what to keep and what to give away or sell and a professional organizer can help

4. Have a yard sale

Yard sales are a great way to get rid of unwanted items and make some extra cash. Just be sure to advertise ahead of time so people know when and where to find you. When organizing a yard sale, be sure to price items reasonably so they’ll sell. After all, the goal is to get rid of stuff, not make a fortune.

Image source

5. Donate to charity


If you have items that are in good condition but you no longer want or need them, consider donating them to a local charity. This is a great way to declutter your home and help those in need.

When considering a charity to donate to, make sure to do your research. You want to be sure your donations are going to a reputable organization that will put them to good use.decluttering, selling items, giving items to charity, packing are all part of what a senior move manager handles and more.

6. Sell online

There are a number of online platforms where you can sell unwanted items, such as eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace. This is a great option if you have larger items that would be difficult to transport to a yard sale.

When selling anything online, be sure to use caution. Meet buyers in a public place and be sure to have someone with you if possible.

7. Use storage wisely

If you’re downsizing to a smaller home, you may need to get creative with storage. Look for furniture with built-in storage, such as ottomans with removable lids or coffee tables with drawers.

You’ll be surprised by how much stuff you can actually store in a small space if you use it wisely.

8. Declutter your home before you move

 Moving is a perfect opportunity to declutter your home. Start packing up items that you know you won’t need in your new place, such as seasonal clothing or extra furniture. This will make the moving process easier and help you avoid taking unnecessary things to your new home.

Also, be sure to measure your new space before you move. This will help you determine what furniture will actually fit and avoid any surprises on moving day.

9. Don’t forget about digital clutter

In today’s digital world, we often accumulate a lot of “stuff” that we don’t even realize. Take some time to declutter your digital life by deleting old files and photos, unsubscribing from unwanted emails, and cleaning up your social media accounts.

With a clear computer storage, not only will you have more space for new things, but you’ll also be less likely to experience technical issues down the road.

A professional senior move manager can also help decluttering your digital life

10. Be realistic about what you can keep

It’s important to be realistic about what you can actually keep when downsizing. If you’re moving from a four-bedroom house to a two-bedroom apartment, you’re not going to be able to take everything with you. Be selective and only keep the items that are truly important to you.

A Checklist to Stick to When Getting Rid of Clutter

If you need help getting started, use this checklist as a guide: 

  • -Start with one room at a time and make your way through the entire house
  • -Make three piles for each item: keep, donate/sell, trash
  • -Be ruthless when making decisions and don’t let sentimentality get in the way
  • -For items you’re keeping, find a place for them right away so they don’t end up as clutter again
  • -For items you’re donating or selling, pack them up and get them out of the house as soon as possible
  • -And finally, for items you’re throwing away, put them in garbage bags and take them out to the trash can right away

Examples of Decluttering a Room

The following are some examples of how you can declutter different rooms in your home:


  • -Start by getting rid of clothes that you no longer wear. If you haven’t worn it in a year, chances are you never will. Donate or sell these items to make room for the things you actually love.
  • -Next, declutter your nightstand. Get rid of old magazines, books you’ve already read, and any other items that are just taking up space.
  • -Finally, go through your closet and get rid of anything that doesn’t fit or that you no longer wear. Again, if you haven’t worn it in a year, chances are you never will.

Living room: 

  • -Start by decluttering your coffee table. Get rid of old magazines, coasters, and anything else that’s just taking up space.
  • -Next, go through your bookshelves and get rid of any books you no longer want or need. Donate these to a local library or sell them online.
  • -Finally, declutter your entertainment center. Get rid of any old movies or video games you no longer play. If you have a lot of DVDs, consider getting rid of them and switching to a digital format.


  • -Start by going through your pantry and getting rid of any expired food items. Throw away anything that’s been sitting in there for months (or even years!).
  • -Next, declutter your cabinets and get rid of any dishes or cookware you no longer use. Donate these items to a local shelter or food bank.
  • -Finally, declutter your fridge and freezer. Toss out any old leftovers or expired food items. And if your fridge is full of Take-Out menus, it’s time to get rid of those too!

Downsizing your home can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these tips and using this checklist, you can declutter your home and make the moving process a breeze. So what are you waiting for? Start downsizing today!

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6 Reasons to Let Professionals Handle an Estate Cleanout

helping an estate cleanout includes selling, donating or disposing of furniture and other household items

Estate cleanouts are not the easiest of tasks. These are often done during times with a lot of emotions involved. After all, estate cleanouts usually take place after a tragic loss. Getting rid of items once in possession of someone who may have been dear to us is not pleasant. In this article, we will look at the six reasons to let professionals handle an estate cleanout, as they can make the process much easier for everyone involved.

Why is it a good idea to let professionals handle an estate cleanout?

When the time has come for an estate cleanout, the emotions can run high. Estate cleanouts usually happen after a tragic loss or a divorce. With the recent event still fresh in mind, focusing on much else is challenging. It’s advisable to involve professionals who will take care of everything for you. Being able to focus on other things while professionals deal with the estate cleanout is very practical. It also makes handling the current event less difficult. Professionals who deal with estate cleanouts tend to do so with respect, compassion, and understanding. Let’s have a look at why hiring estate cleanout professionals is an intelligent decision.

  • Move management

Estate cleanout is very similar to residential moving. We could say that every move has four steps:

  • Declutter
  • Pack
  • Unpack
  • Organize

This is the tried and true 4 step formula. We may be only dealing with part of the items on the property, but the procedure remains the same. Still, the end goal is not strictly to relocate property but may involve getting rid of certain redundant items that one should remove for other reasons. Professional movers can organize this entire process very efficiently for you. Relieving you of additional stress can only be helpful during these times.

an estate cleanout might include moving several items to other residences or to charitable organizations

Estate clearing services involve careful planning of the entire process to ensure a seamless and efficient job.

  • Donations and recycling

Professionals who deal with moving and estate cleanouts can help you properly get rid of unnecessary or unwanted items. There’s no need to pollute or create more junk that will lay around forever. With professionals on your team, many of these items can find a new home. You may be surprised to find out, but some people will rejoice in having the items you take for granted or have even forgotten about. Once the time to discard them has come, it may be noble to donate them or have them recycled. If you’re environmentally aware or charitable, this one is for you.

  • Sorting through important documents

Sometimes, we may not know what paperwork and documentation we should hold on to. Professionals in the field of estate cleanouts will make sure important documents are preserved. These could be documents that can come in handy when dealing with solicitors, executors of state, or other family members. Documents like these could make the difference when certain settlements are being taken care of, like a will.

for estate cleanouts, special care is needed for the storage and preservation of documents

Let professionals handle an estate cleanout for you, and they will make sure all the essential documents are preserved.

  • Decluttering 

When someone has spent years and decades in the same place, clutter is bound to accumulate. Once the unfortunate event has occurred, it leaves one’s home unorganized and overrun with clutter. Professionals in the field can help you declutter and organize. There is no easier way to have a clean home. Dealing with your clutter and organizing is done in two ways: 


  •     Organizing 1 on 1– You will meet up with a professional in the field, who is a Lead Organizer, and outline your specific decluttering needs. You will go through each step in detail and be briefed on what to expect.
  •     Dynamic transformation– This is a team job. With the help of one or more organizers, the task at hand is done efficiently and expediently. This may be a better approach if there is a lot of clutter to take care of.


You may even auction off some of your things online. These auctions are very simple and quick. The items you wish to put up will be photographed, and the photos will be posted online for interested bidders. Once a particular item is sold, the buyer would come at a specified time to retrieve the item they’ve purchased. This can be pretty handy and profitable.

  • Hiring professionals may be financially sensible

Sometimes, the job at hand may be too much. We may not be able to invest enough time in the task, and it may need to be done as soon as possible. By hiring professionals, you may save time and money. Having to move items around, transport them, and discard them accordingly can get costly and time-consuming. Estate clearing services tend to be cheaper than having everything done by yourself when everything is considered. 

  • Moving with kids is easier with professional help

When an estate cleanout is done, it’s probably due to an unpleasant event. This may be due to a loss of a relative or a divorce. Whatever the case, if there are children involved, it’s essential to help them cope with this event. This can be difficult if one is moving, which may be the case after a divorce. In the event of moving with kids, it’s crucial to focus on their needs. Being caught up in sorting out belongings, finances, and the physical aspect of moving is very time-consuming. It can also be draining. Hence, it is sensible to hire some help and dedicate your precious time to your children.

peace of mind is like a mother hugging a child after she has let professionals handle an estate cleanout

When going through an estate cleanout, it’s crucial to make the kids comfortable and focus on their needs.


Hire estate clearing services

Get in touch with professionals today and ensure your estate cleanout is adequately handled. Make sure your items are securely packed, transported, or discarded, if necessary. It’s easier than ever to get all the help you require. 

Hopefully, you’re now briefed on employing estate clearing services for your needs. With these six reasons we’ve provided, it only makes sense to let professionals handle an estate cleanout for you

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Smart Home Devices for Seniors

Boomers are using electronic devices ans using them to find organizers and senior moving assistance If you are a senior, you are probably looking for anything that can make you more independent. It is understandable – nobody wants to always rely on somebody else. Moreover, if you are a senior, you are also probably looking for something that will make your life safer and more comfortable. Golden years can be tricky, especially if we are alone and have specific health problems. But what if we told you that there are certain smart home devices for seniors that can help you with all the things mentioned? Smart home devices are not only for young people – seniors can benefit from them too! Today, we will talk about different home devices for seniors. So, if you are a senior or know a senior who needs help, keep reading.

Devices for Remote Access

When you are a senior, you tend to forget where you placed certain things like remote controllers. And, sometimes, walking around the house looking for them, or just reaching them, can be quite a challenge. This is where smart home devices for seniors come in handy. Namely, there are many devices for remote access that you can use to control pretty much anything in your home – TV, radio, lights, thermostat, cameras, appliances, etc. 

These smart home devices for remote control usually come in the form of a tablet (full of apps for remote control). And, as long as you carry that tablet with you, you can control any smart feature of your home, whether from your bed or the beach. For instance, if you have retired somewhere on the West Coast and spend your days sunbathing, you can turn on the AC in advance and come to a cool home. Or you can use that tablet to stay in touch with your loved ones constantly. 

seniors are using smart devices to get help with de-cluttering, packing-unpacking and downsizing to move

Remote control smart home devices for seniors can be life-savers!

Alarms and Cameras 

As mentioned above, some older adults decide to move to a senior home where they will be taken care of by professionals, and some decide to make some home renovations and age in place. If you opt for the second option and live alone, you will need to make your home safer. The best way to do that is to add security cameras and alarm systems. 

Add a camera above all your ‘entry’ doors – that way, you can see who is at the door without even getting up. Then, have professionals install an alarm system you can use whenever you see a suspicious person on your camera. The best part about these smart home devices for seniors is that the previously mentioned devices can use them for remote access – you can use your cameras with your tablets and alert the police if necessary. 

Smart Locks and Doorbells

Speaking of alarms and security cameras, it might also be a good idea to invest in some smart locks and doorbells. These can be used for safety reasons, but that does not have to be their only purpose. Namely, smart locks and doorbells (together with cameras) can be used to let somebody in (or out) without getting up. This can be very beneficial for seniors who have certain medical issues. 

Moreover, these smart home devices should be necessary for seniors who moved alone to another home. They are a much safer option than the ‘regular’ locks and doorbells. That is, burglars will not be able to come inside easily as locks will notify you and the police that somebody is trying to get in without using the key. So, as soon as you move in, hire a team of experts who will install all these smart devices. 

And, don’t try to do this yourself (if you don’t have experience). You might make a mistake that costs you much more than hiring experts. The same applies to moving to your new home. Seniors or their relatives should look for senior moving services in Irvine ahead of time, as an expert team can help with everything moving-related. 

smart door locks can help protect seniors from unexpected intrusion


Biomedical Monitoring Devices

Seniors who have chronic medical conditions need to be monitored 24/7. They can be monitored by their care givers, children, or by themselves using the so-called biomedical monitoring devices. These devices show the person’s current state and send alerts to everybody if something is out of order. And, when we say everybody, we mean to you, your children, care givers, doctor, or anybody you decide. 

There are different biomedical monitoring devices. Which one you will choose will depend on your health problem. But, let us mention some of the most useful smart home devices for seniors and their health: 

  • Blood pressure cuff 
  • Glucometer 
  • ECG and Stethoscope 
  • Pulse Oximeter 
  • Activity trackers 
  • Thermometer
  • Smart scale 

Get yourself a biomedical monitoring device! It can save your life! Get the one you need even if you live with your children or with some other people – smart devices of this kind can tell that something is wrong with you before you notice it yourself. And, make sure you get it if you are relocating to a more desirable place alone – you never know what can happen when living alone, and this way, you will have some peace of mind. 

senior moving can be help using smart devices to find appropriate services for senior moving

You can avoid many health problems with a biomedical monitoring device.

Mobility Assistants

At a certain age, walking becomes a problem. There are days when getting out of bed seems impossible. Luckily, with the advancement of technology, new mobility assistants have been created to help people with everyday things. Of course, those are usually wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, etc. But, some smart home devices can assist with getting out of bed. For example, that can be a remote-controlled bed – by changing its position using a remote control, you can get in and out of bed much easier. Or there are even things like robotic arms that can help with eating and drinking. 

As you have seen, many smart home devices for seniors can ease everyday life, provide safety, and make it much more comfortable. Thus, don’t run away from technology – embrace it. You, and your loved ones, can benefit from all of these devices, so choose the ones you need and improve the quality of your lives.

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How to Downsize as a Boomer: Make Your Retirement Property Feel Cozy

downsizing is a difficult task without getting some help from professional organizer and sr. movers

You recently decided to clear your home, put it on the market, and downsize into a smaller house for retirement. With the support of A Clear Path, tackling this process couldn’t be simpler!

Choosing to clear your old home and sell is a big step, and now that you’re getting settled into your new property, you want to make it truly feel like “home.” What can you do to personalize your new house and make the most of your smaller space? Here are a few ideas to get you inspired!

Take Care of Maintenance

Before you make any aesthetic changes to your home, you’ll need to complete the necessary repairs. If you’re concerned about any major maintenance issues in your home, such as structural problems with the foundation, a potential plumbing leak, or problems with your roof, you should contact a reputable contractor immediately. But if you’re only dealing with minor repairs, you can take a DIY approach. Extra Mile states that you should be able to change your HVAC filters, fix your toilets, and do basic yard work on your own.

Establish an Outdoor Living Space

Perhaps you don’t have as much space in your current home as you did in your old one – but you can basically “extend” this space by creating an outdoor “living room.” This is a great project if you enjoy hosting, especially when the weather is warm outside – your guests will be able to sit down, relax, and enjoy some fresh air at your gatherings. 

How can you set up an outdoor living room? Gardenista recommends starting on a level surface, like a deck or flat ground. Next, you’ll want to:

  • Lay out a floor, like concrete pavers, if necessary.
  • Add hedges or garden beds around part of the perimeter.
  • Create a ceiling with a trellis or pergola.
  • Finally, choose sturdy, aesthetically pleasing furnishings!

Decorate Your Home

Once you’ve completed a few necessary maintenance tasks, you can move on to the fun projects, like decorating! For instance, you might want to head to a local thrift shop to pick up interesting artwork for low prices, add some houseplants in each room, or include some bright new lighting fixtures. 

If you’d like to bring a little life to your bare walls, you could transform your walls with customizable wallpaper! Rather than using standard wallpaper, why not try a peel-and-stick option? 

Use a professional to walk thru your home before you start to downsize and the work will be easier to complete

This variety of wallpaper has an adhesive backing, which makes it convenient to apply. If you’re not happy with your first application, you can remove it and reapply it. And by ordering wallpaper printed on-demand, you’ll have the opportunity to customize your design – which means that you won’t have to worry about your preferred pattern being out of stock!

Clear and Organize Your Home Garage

Your garage can serve lots of purposes – in addition to storing your car, you could also set up a hobby workbench, use it for storage, or even turn it into a home gym. But in order to actually use your garage and get the benefits of this extra space, you need to declutter and organize it first. 

Once you’ve gotten rid of any items in your garage that you no longer need, you’ll want to set up some storage systems so that you can keep your remaining belongings organized: 

  • Shelves can help you get organized without using floor space.
  • Wall cubbies can be used to store shoes, outerwear, and more.
  • If you already have storage tubs, you can label and stack them. 
  • Pegboards are great for hanging tools or other supplies.

Downsize Your Closet as a Boomer

Chances are, you’ve accumulated lots of clothing, shoes, and accessories over the past few decades. Perhaps you were reluctant to toss out part of your wardrobe before you moved – after all, you might have thought you would start wearing some of your old clothes again. But at a certain point, maintaining a large wardrobe becomes more trouble than it’s worth, and you will probably benefit from clearing it out.

If you need to sort through lots of clothes, here’s how to tackle the process:

  • Be honest with yourself – if you haven’t worn a particular item in a year, it’s time for it to go! 
  • Clothes that are in good condition can be given to friends or relatives or donated to charity. 
  • If you’re letting go of some items that are ripped or stained, they should simply be thrown away.
  • Organize your remaining clothes by color or style.

Create an Entertainment Room

Do you love watching movies or catching a few episodes of your favorite TV show? Do you ever wish you could watch them on the big screen without going all the way to a movie theater? If you have the available space in your new home, you could create an entertainment room! 

easing stress is on the way when you use a professional to help downsize your home.

There’s nothing quite like having your very own home theater. Your guests will definitely be impressed! To set up a home theater, you’ll need the right technology, such as a large flat-screen TV and a great sound system. You’ll also want to get comfortable seating for a few people. You can even buy seats that have cup holders and tray tables that fold out so people can enjoy snacks and drinks while they watch movies.

Design a “Zen Corner”

When you retired, did you hope to spend more time practicing self-care? If so, you could create a relaxing “zen corner” in your home: 

  • Add a couple of yoga mats and a meditation cushion.
  • Choose artwork that makes you feel relaxed and calm when you look at it. 
  • You could even bring in a small speaker so that you can play soothing music. 
  • A decorative water fountain could also be a nice touch. 

You can personalize your zen corner to your tastes – after all, it’s your place to escape when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

You want to love where you live in retirement. If you’re a boomer who has recently chosen to clear your old home and downsize, you might feel a little out of place by now. But by embarking on some of these renovation projects, you’ll be able to get comfortable in your new home and give it a cozier feel.

Are you ready to clear out your estate and move somewhere new? A Clear Path can get the job done! Call us today at 818-400-9592 to get started.

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Guide to Handling Sentimental Items when Downsizing

Boxes that you can use to handle sentimental items while downsizing.

When it comes to relocation, especially senior relocation, which entails downsizing, you need to expect quite a few tearful moments. Since you’ll need to give up some of your belongings for the sake of comfort and personal space, you’ll need to acknowledge the importance of some of your pieces. Handling sentimental items when downsizing isn’t something that you’ll just know how to do. Sometimes we’re overcome with emotion, and our judgment is clouded. Luckily, many have gone through a similar experience before you, and you can learn from their mistakes and successes. Let’s dive into this guide that should help you know what to expect.

Don’t rush into anything

The first important thing you should keep in mind when handling sentimental items while downsizing is taking your time. Depending on how emotional you are, you’ll need to find a way to deal with your feelings during this period. Merely pushing through and not allowing yourself to feel is never a good idea. Before you get to the practical part of parting with your belongings, you should dedicate some time to emotional preparation.

Invite your family

One of the best ways to deal with items with sentimental value is to call up the people that will feel the same way. Even if they’re not as attached to a particular prized possession as you are, they’ll still offer emotional support and help you go through this period with as much ease as possible. 

A big family having lunch and discussing ways of handling sentimental items when downsizing.

Invite your family over and decide how you’ll handle your sentimental items.

Make an inventory of your home

Make sure to have a plan set in motion before you start handling sentimental belongings when downsizing. It’ll not only help you be productive and finish faster, but you’ll also be more likely to focus on the purpose and remember why you’re doing this. Making home inventories sounds a bit frightening and overwhelming if you’ve never done it. However, it’s really not. These are the three most essential tips you should follow

  • Begin as early as possible
  • It’s imperative to take as much time as you need. Handling sentimental items when downsizing can be overwhelming enough on its own; you don’t have to add fuel to the fire.
  • Start with a rough sketch
  • Don’t list all your items one by one right away. Instead, make sure to divide them up into categories and work your way up from there.
  • Find a place to store your items for the time being
  • Be it a storage unit or your basement, you need to have a room where you’ll keep everything so that it doesn’t get in your way during the relocation.

Organization is key

If you’re not great at organizing and creating lists and plans, that’s okay. We can’t all be great at everything. That’s why there are organizing services that could be of great assistance. They can help you prepare and execute any decluttering job in no time. 

Go down memory lane

Know that this doesn’t have to be a very dark and sad period. You can invite your children and grandchildren to come by and create a fun and enjoyable day out of it. Exchange some stories from your younger days and memories that you hold dear. Take this time to reminisce and say goodbye to some experiences. These stories will live on and take on a different dimension once you share them. 

When downsizing many inexpensive itmes might have very high sentimental value, there use a proper Estate clearing service

Moving can be stressful

Although handling your belongings with sentimental value will probably be the most emotionally draining aspect, you still need to relocate. Moving is a process that takes a lot of time and effort, so hiring relocation specialists and employing move management services is often advised. This way, you’ll get to properly say goodbye and let go of your past while professionals handle the technical things.

Hire packing services

If you don’t want to deal with the packing part of your relocation either, that’s fine as well. Hire packing services, and you’ll have everything packed before you know it. Be very specific about what you want, the timeframe, and the price you’re willing to pay. Being direct will help both you and the people you’re hiring.

Cleaning and clearing are essential when downsizing

Seeing how our outdated items are usually somewhere in the back of the closet or the basement, you’ll need to take some time to clean these areas. Once you’ve done that, you’ll also need to declutter, organize and clear out anything you no longer use. 

Hire clearing services

If clearing is yet another thing that you cannot fit into your schedule, there are always estate clearing services at your disposal. Hiring these professionals is somewhat different from hiring a moving company since they’ll spend a lot more time in your home. For this reason, make sure that your schedules are aligned.

Gifts of sentimental value can be created with a Professional Estate clearing service like A Clear Path when downsizing.

If you need to part with your sentimental items when downsizing, give them to your family or friends.

What to do with your sentimental items

  • Give to your family and friends

If these items are a family heirloom or something of that sort, why not give them to your children and grandchildren? It’ll be much easier to part ways with objects that mean something to you if you give them to people that mean something to you too.

  • Recycle or donate

It’s important to either recycle or donate these items. Don’t simply throw them in the trash; someone might get some use out of them.

  • Keep in a storage unit

Handling sentimental items when downsizing can be too hard at times. If you absolutely cannot imagine ever saying goodbye to the things that you cherish dearly, keep them. Nowadays, it’s easy to rent out a storage unit and keep your things there.

Streamline Your Life: Tips for Downsizing to a Smaller Home

Streamline Your Life:

Tips for Downsizing to a Smaller Home

downsizing can be a very emotional task and using a move manager from the start can create a safe environment

Downsizing to a smaller home is a natural part of life for many adults, but it’s also considerably challenging. Suddenly, you’re in the position of having to decide which of the belongings you’ve accumulated over the years will be thrown out or given away. 

It’s more than just a matter of purging and eliminating the excess – you have to downsize because you now have less square footage. Forcing yourself to get rid of treasured belongings is an emotional ordeal that can be overwhelming for many people. The experts recommend you take care of it before you move and things get really chaotic and continue working on it after you’ve moved. The last thing you want is to move a bunch of clutter from one home to another. 


Being organized is essential if you want everything to go smoothly. Begin by planning how you’ll approach downsizing. Many people make lists of what items they’ll throw away, what can be donated and which possessions they’ll take with them. Go room by room as you assemble your lists, physically placing everything into piles according to what you plan to do with them. 

This can also be a great opportunity to host a yard sale — moving is expensive, and selling unneeded items can help cut the cost. If you find it hard to part with things, establish a set list of criteria that will help you decide. Ask yourself, “When was the last time I used this?,” “How and why would I use this?,” “Do I have something else that does the same thing?,” “Do I love this item so much that it would trouble me emotionally to part with it?,” and most importantly, “Can I do without this?

Plan of attack

Have a plan in place for when you move. That means knowing where your furniture will go, and how it will be arranged when you move into your new home. Take pictures of the layout of your new apartment or house, and identify where everything will go ahead of time. You can also use a color coding system as you pack up your belongings so you know what room each box should be placed in. 

Change your thinking

Downsizing means you need to rethink how you live, or at least how you acquire new items. If you’re used to living in a house with plenty of square footage, you probably haven’t had to worry about limiting your purchases based on available space.

Now that your circumstances and square footage will change, you need to adapt. The biggest part of downsizing is adapting to the mindset. It’s a new start, a way of simplifying your life without the encumbrances that dictated how and where you could live. 

to stay organized one needs to make sure to de-clutter first and use a professional for help.Stay clutter-free

Once you’ve settled into your smaller space, consider a new approach to keeping your home clutter-free. When things get messy, clean them up immediately, don’t put it off — that’s how clutter builds up. By keeping a strong sense of organization, it will be easier to continue to live clutter-free. You’re also less likely to regret having downsized if you don’t allow clutter to become a problem.  

Your aesthetic can help too
Having an overall aesthetic or a specific look for each room will not only show off your preferred style, but it can also help maximize the space. This can be done through lighting, using minimal furniture, and being mindful of wall colors. For example, a small room feels smaller if every wall is painted the same bold color. Rather than paint four walls red, consider three light-colored walls with one bold accent wall. Alternatively, if you really want to add some flair, try wallpaper. With so many colors, patterns, themes and textures, you’re bound to find the perfect way to dress up your room. Plus, with modern wallpaper, you can easily swap out your choice if you opt for the peel-and–stick variety. 

Think of downsizing as an opportunity to streamline your life. Now that you’ve gotten your possessions under control and organized, maintain that mindset as you begin your life in a new home. It’s an excellent way of making sure you’re living within your means.

Moving Management: Organizational Tips for Staging Your Home to Sell

Moving Management:

Organizational Tips for Staging Your Home to Sell

Moving can be a stressful process, particularly when it comes to selling your home. With summer on the horizon and so many looking for new homes across the country, staging has become more important than ever. When potential buyers enter your home or virtually tour photos on a real estate listing platform, they not only want to see a future there, but they also want to be sure that the space is clean and organized. A tidy home can make it sell for more money as well as attract more buyers. While hiring a moving manager or home organizing services can take some of the work off your plate, there are ways you can both organize and show off the space yourself, too. 

Organize the exterior

for large properties it is important for involve a professional move manager

The first impressions of most homes on the market come from the outside, which makes a neat, attractive exterior all the more important. Any red flags on the outside of the home can send a buyer in the other direction before even entering the house. That said, fresh landscaping, flowers, groomed trees, and any paint touch-ups can make a home look brand new. This will also hint to buyers how dedicated you’ve been in terms of maintenance, inside and out. Outdoor furniture, a freshly sealed driveway, or an updated porch can help the home sell faster and for more money.

Highlight home office space

In this new age of remote work, home offices have become staples to everyday life for many. Creating a designated, productive workspace can help a buyer who works from home see their lifestyle fitting with the house. Keep in mind that professionals prefer certain aspects of a home office, like natural lighting, storage space, and distance from heavily trafficked areas of the house. You can also stage a multifunctional space that can serve as a home office, craft room, laundry room, or spare bedroom.

Cut back on furniture

Believe it or not, some of your home’s most valued furniture pieces may not be beneficial throughout the staging process. Extra end tables, coffee tables, or chairs can make the space look cluttered and claustrophobic. Remove these to open up the space. Avoid putting furniture in front of focal points like fireplaces or built-ins so they’re easily visible and accessible. When choosing which pieces to keep or stow away, think about buyers walking through the home and how easy the space is to tour. 

Coordinate closet space

Organized closet space is a high priority for many buyers. Before they tour the bedrooms, remove any unnecessary articles of clothing and other clutter to make the closet appear larger. Add shelving where necessary to maximize the space, and stage with storage bins or compartments that show visitors how it can be efficiently organized. Shoe racks, drawers, and over-the-door storage can also help buyers see how much of their belongings they can store in the closet. Don’t forget to keep the home well-ventilated for great air quality and a fresh aroma for in-person tours.

Deep clean

A tidy home isn’t as effective without a deep clean. A major factor that turns buyers away from homes for sale is cleanliness. It indicates how well you tend to the home, and is instrumental in the visitors’ experience. Cleaning every square inch of the home is vital before allowing your home to be photographed or toured in person. Dust or scrub every square inch from the floor to the ceiling so that buyers will have no critiques. Also remember that pets, their toys, or their furniture can store some unpleasant smells that a handful of buyers will disapprove of, so be sure to take those out of the house and eliminate any pesky pet odors.

move management is a very important aspect of a successful home residence move De-personalize

While staging, be sure to reduce the amount of personal items in the home. Family photos, mementos, art projects, personal hygiene items, and clothes can all add to a cluttered home. Not only that, but having these items visible can make it very difficult for buyers to imagine the home as their own and connect to the space. Instead, fill some of the space with neutral decor, books, plants, etc. Arrange any built-in storage, shelving, or wall space with items that illustrate how the space can be used, while leaving it a blank canvas for potential buyers.

Hire a professional

If you’re inexperienced when it comes to moving, thankfully, there are a number of moving and organization experts that can make the transition smoother every step of the way. To make the process easier, here are some examples of professional services you can use:

  • Packing and unpacking services: carefully packing items, trash removal, delivering packing boxes and materials, etc. 
  • Senior moving specialist: guiding your downsizing/transition while catering to the special needs of your senior loved one
  • Estate clearing: providing itemized lists of keepsakes, shipping items to family members, selling valuable pieces, etc.
  • Virtual organizers: online sessions with organization experts to tackle your home one room at a time

Selling your home doesn’t mean simply listing it on the market and hoping for the best. It takes a lot of thought and hard work throughout the staging process. Maintain an organized home, take advantage of experts, and consider some of these organizational tips for an efficient home sale.

How to hire the right Estate Clear-out Company

boxes packed for an estate clearing and move with unpacking after the move

When faced with the departure of a loved one, there is a period of acceptance. During this period, you want the transition to be less stressful and emotionally hard on the rest of the family. However, there are certain legal and financial matters you have to take care of. One of those matters is the obligation to clear the home of the deceased. In such a case, the less emotionally involved you are, the better. If you want to make this transition as painless as possible, opt for estate clearing services that can do the job professionally, with no strings attached. If you think this is the best choice for you but wonder how to hire the right estate clearing service, we can help with a few valuable tips.

Clearing house estates is a complex process

If you think about the number of things people acquire during a lifetime, you might feel a little bit overwhelmed having to clear the house of all those possessions. Before even deciding to hire professionals, you have to understand the process. Estate clearing should involve a whole team of people who are assigned to different tasks to do a successful job. Sorting through all the personal belongings, making home inventories, packing, transporting, and shipping items are a few of them. There has to be excellent communication between the estate clearing service provider and the client for a complete clear-out. The clients are the ones who ultimately decide on the level of involvement, and the professionals are there to make the process as straightforward as possible.

A proper estate cleaning service can ready a home for sales as part of the estate settlement

Before you can sell the house or apartment, you need to clear it from all personal belongings

Benefits of hiring estate clearing professionals

One of the advantages of choosing estate clearing services to assist you is to emotionally detach yourself from the situation. In most cases, people opt for clearing services after losing an elderly member of the family. Many choose not to get too emotionally involved with the personal belongings left after the person has passed. And with good reason. If you are emotionally involved, you might lose focus and make fewer objective decisions on what to keep, what to donate, and what to sell. As a result, you might find yourself taking not only the family albums and heirlooms but items that don’t even have a sentimental value.

a messy garage means that declutter is needed

Having professional assistance in clearing heavily cluttered rooms is essential


In all that clutter, you might feel more stressed than you expected. So, invest some time in finding ways to remove stress from household junk removal.  One of the ways is undoubtedly giving the job to trained professionals who don’t have an emotional bond with the things they need to clear. They will go through the possessions, sort unwanted items, items for donations, items for recycling, something to sell, and things to dispose of. If needed, they will consult with you on valuables and family heirlooms they find, but otherwise will do a quick and efficient home clearing operation, leaving you more time for healing and spending time with your loved ones.

Wondering how to hire the right Estate Clear-out Company is perfectly normal

You might be having trouble deciding on a particular Estate Clear-out Company to partner with, given all the emotional distress you are experiencing. The best way to look for the right people is through word of mouth. If some of your friends, colleagues, or neighbors had the assistance of a reliable and reputable team, be sure to ask them for a referral. You can also search the web for positive reviews and testimonials of satisfied clients. Reading personal stories from people who were once in your situation might seem like something you don’t want to do. However, it may prove to be helpful to get a clear picture of what to expect and what to seek from professional clearing services. After all, you will be hiring someone to take care of your loved one’s personal belongings, so investing some time in finding the right company for the job is something you ought to do.

Prepare before hiring estate clearers

To have a successful clearing estate experience, you have to prepare. A good starting point is to go through the documents first. Sort out any legal documents you need to keep and move along to valuable items and items that have sentimental value. When you have acquired all the belongings you deem useful and want to keep, look for a good storage provider where you will keep them. Then, you can locate things you would like to sell and set those aside as well. Pack some of the items you want to keep or sell and transport them to safe storage. Label each box and make sure all boxes are properly sealed. Once in storage, your belongings will be secure and easily reachable if and when you decide to act on your decision to sell or use.

After you have gone through things you want to keep or sell, you can call estate clearing services and acquire a quote. State the rooms you want to clear and give the Estate Clear-out Company precise instructions on what to do with the rest of the items. You don’t have to have all the answers. These trained professionals who deal with decluttering and organizing every day will undoubtedly suggest how to deal with electronics, recyclable items, unwanted furniture, and similar.

Time to make the decision

When you feel confident that you know how to hire the right estate clearing service, you should do it. Use the time to spend with your family and friends, and leave all the daunting tasks to trained specialists. Don’t hesitate to acquire the needed assistance because clearing another person’s house can be more than you can handle. However, if you still feel reluctant to let strangers in your loved one’s house, you can research ways to make the job less stressful for yourself.


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Moving Management: Organizational Tips for Staging A Home to Sell

staging a home for sale is part of the tasks a clear path executes through is senior move management processIf selling your home is on the horizon, here are some moving management and organizational tips to help you stage for a quick and successful sale.

Moving can be a stressful process, particularly when it comes to selling a home. With summer on the horizon and so many looking for new homes across the country, staging has become more important than ever. When potential buyers enter a home or virtually tour photos on a real estate listing platform, they not only want to see a future there, but they also want to be sure that the space is clean and organized. A tidy home can make it sell for more money as well as attract more buyers. While hiring a moving manager or home organizing services can take some of the work off your plate, there are ways you can both organize and show off the space yourself, too. 

Organize the exterior 

The first impressions of most homes on the market come from the outside, which makes a neat, attractive exterior all the more important. Any red flags on the outside of the home can send a buyer in the other direction before even entering the house. That said, fresh landscaping, flowers, groomed trees, and any paint touch-ups can make a home look brand new. This will also hint to buyers how dedicated you’ve been in terms of maintenance, inside and out. Outdoor furniture, a freshly sealed driveway, or an updated porch can help the home sell faster and for more money. 

Highlight home office space

to help declutter a home office use the professionals at a clear path

Photo by Brad Javernick of

In this new age of remote work, home offices have become staples to everyday life for many. Creating a designated, productive workspace can help a buyer who works from home see their lifestyle fitting with the house. Keep in mind that professionals prefer certain aspects of a home office, like natural lighting, storage space, and distance from heavily trafficked areas of the house. You can also stage a multifunctional space that can serve as a home office, craft room, laundry room, or spare bedroom. 

Cut back on furniture

Believe it or not, some of a home’s most valued furniture pieces may not be beneficial throughout the staging process. Extra end tables, coffee tables, or chairs can make the space look cluttered and claustrophobic. Remove these to open up the space. Avoid putting furniture in front of focal points like fireplaces or built-ins so they’re easily visible and accessible. When choosing which pieces to keep or stow away, think about buyers walking through the home and how easy the space is to tour. 

Coordinate closet space

Organized closet space is a high priority for many buyers. Before they tour the bedrooms, remove any unnecessary articles of clothing and other clutter to make the closet appear larger. Add shelving where necessary to maximize the space, and stage with storage bins or compartments that show visitors how it can be efficiently organized. Shoe racks, drawers, and over-the-door storage can also help buyers see how much of their belongings they can store in the closet. Don’t forget to keep the home well-ventilated for great air quality and a fresh aroma for in-person tours.

Deep clean

A tidy home isn’t as effective without a deep clean. A major factor that turns buyers away from homes for sale is cleanliness. It indicates how well you tend to the home, and is instrumental in the visitors’ experience. Cleaning every square inch of the home is vital before allowing a home to be photographed or toured in person. Dust or scrub every square inch from the floor to the ceiling so that buyers will have no critiques. Also remember that pets, their toys, or their furniture can store some unpleasant smells that a handful of buyers will disapprove of, so be sure to take those out of the house and eliminate any pesky pet odors.


While staging, be sure to reduce the amount of personal items in the home. Family photos, mementos, art projects, personal hygiene items, andstaging a home is one of the task that can be handled by A Clear Path as an A+ accredited by NASMM senior move manager clothes can all add to a cluttered home. Not only that, but having these items visible can make it very difficult for buyers to imagine the home as their own and connect to the space. Instead, fill some of the space with neutral decor, books, plants, etc. Arrange any built-in storage, shelving, or wall space with items that illustrate how the space can be used, while leaving it a blank canvas for potential buyers.

Hire a professional

If you’re inexperienced when it comes to moving, thankfully, there are a number of moving and organization experts that can make the transition smoother every step of the way. To make the process easier, here are some examples of professional services you can use:

  • Packing and unpacking services: carefully packing items, trash removal, delivering packing boxes and materials, etc. 
  • Senior moving specialist: guiding your downsizing/transition while catering to the special needs of your senior loved one
  • Estate clearing: providing itemized lists of keepsakes, shipping items to family members, selling valuable pieces, etc.
  • Virtual organizers: online sessions with organization experts to tackle your home one room at a time


Selling your home doesn’t mean simply listing it on the market and hoping for the best. It takes a lot of thought and hard work throughout the staging process. Maintain an organized home, take advantage of experts, and consider some of these organizational tips for an efficient home sale.

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Photo Credits: Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash; Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash; Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash