Relocating Your Business

A Clear Path Editorial Team

Businesses move for a variety of reasons, and moving can often be a logistical challenge, with unexpected pitfalls. There are many approaches to take when uprooting your company, but certain tenets remain the same. You should always be realistic about what you can afford, do your homework, and plan until you cannot plan anymore.

Whether you are moving to accommodate growth, to save money, or to be closer to your market, these steps will help you stay on track:


Prior to moving, make an inventory of everything you have. Highlight items you plan to keep, and decide where these items should go. Before you uproot your business, write a list of requirements for your new location. This includes taking into consideration things like price per square foot, lease terms, build-out costs, and space for growth.

It is important to have the essential supplies before moving day. Be sure to have:

  • Duct tape/Packing tape
  • Professional quality boxes of differing sizes
  • Bubble wrap
  • Packing peanuts
  • Markers
  • First-aid kit
  • Utility knife


The cost of moving items is based on weight and volume; sorting through your items to weed out nonessential items now will save money later. You may donate or discard anything you deem expendable. Here are some places to start:


Items that are no longer suitable: Anything you have not used in a while, outdated items, and things you have replacements for.

Expired items: This pertains mostly to food, but can also apply to items like cleaning supplies; check the expiration date on anything that has one!

Items still packed: if you still have items packed from your last move, then you do not need them.

Books and Magazines: as any reader can tell you, these items are like trophies. But what is the use of an outdated magazine from 10 years ago? If you have to ask, it goes in the trash!

Different items have different disposal requirements. The type of item, its condition, and reusability, will determine these requirements. Here are some key ways to properly dispose of unwanted items:

Burning/Shredding: Anything with your name, address, and social security number should be destroyed. This is the only way to ensure any identity theft or fraud will not result from your move.

Selling: Craigslist and eBay are excellent places to list your unwanted items.

Donation: Ask your family, friends, and neighbors to help themselves to any items you are not taking with you, or reselling. The Salvation Army or another local charity may accept office supplies or other items.


Once you have everything decluttered, it is time to box it up. You should have all packing materials on-site, and ready, the day before. Depending on the size of your business, this process can take anywhere from 1-3 days, so plan your work schedule accordingly. Be sure to label everything properly; this streamlines the unpacking process. Once you are packed up, it is time to move into your new space!

Moving a business requires more planning than actual production. With the proper tools, game plan, and extra hands, you should have no problem establishing yourself in a brand new space!

We can help! Call Now (213) 798-4748