5 Mistakes to avoid when moving

A Clear Path Editorial Team

Mistakes to Avoid When Moving

Are you looking to move out of your existing home and into a new one? If so, you are faced with the massive task of packing up all of your belongings and having them moved to your new location. This can be a very frustrating process that can make you want to pull your hair out in the end. But all hope is not lost. Today, we are going to go over some moving mistakes to avoid that will help your next move to go as smooth as possible. If you are a real estate agent, these tips will also help your clients so make sure to pay close attention to the information below.

Five Moving Mistakes to Avoid

1. Hiring the wrong moving company: This can be a huge mistake and you might not even realize you have made it until it is too late. Not all moving companies are the same and some will take you for a ride. To ensure that you are dealing only with a professional moving company, do your homework. Ask to see references from past clients and check to see if they are both licensed and bonded for your protection.

A happy family fully pack waiting for the movers to take the last box

2. Packing too much stuff: Over the years, most homeowners build up a lot of things. Many of these items that we collect we simply never use. When preparing to move, you should ask yourself, “Do I really need to take everything with me?” Most of the time the answer is no. A great way to de-clutter and only take the items you need is by hiring someone to help you. A professional de-clutter expert can come in and help you weed out those unused items. You can then give them to a charity of your choice and get a nice tax deduction.

3. Forgetting to label your boxes: This is a common mistake that many people make while moving. The hurry to move can make you forget to label boxes and when you get to your new home, it can make things really confusing. To save time after the move, make sure to label each box with what’s inside and which room the movers should place it in.

4. Waiting too long to schedule your move: Especially during the summer months, many moving companies and truck rental companies will be incredibly busy. If you wait too long to schedule your move, you might find yourself out of luck. Make sure to schedule your move at least a few weeks before the moving date. This will allow you time to plan and ensure that you will have the help you need come moving day.

5. Not having enough insurance for valuable items: Depending on your homeowner’s policy, your more valuable items might not be covered completely. Fine art and other valuables that are easily broken will need to be completely insured to protect your investment. Before your move, make sure to make a list of all your higher valued items and shop around for full coverage insurance.

Hire a Professional Moving Company

Moving can be a difficult task, but when you are prepared and have the right moving team on your side, your move can go much smoother than you thought possible. To find out more about how Silk Touch Moves can take the stress out of moving, contact us today!