Realtor Resources

Realtor Resources

Roll our Fees into Escrow to De-clutter, Pack, Unpack and Organize!  

Here’s how –

  • The seller provides A Clear Path and Relocations with the name/contact information of  escrow officer
  • The Seller also provides A Clear Path with credit card information to go into escrow file (in the unlikely event house falls out of escrow).
  • A Clear Path will submit an invoice into escrow to be paid from proceeds of sale (similar to payments sent to termite and repair companies) for all services listed below (or, as needed):
  • De-clutter entire household or office;
  • Concierge service to arrange moving companies, order packing materials for delivery, shop for organizing supplies to be used in new space, arrange vendor services for new space (hanging TVs, pictures, garage storage installs, etc).
  • Expertly pack entire household or office
  • Unpack and organize entire household/office
  • Haul-away donation items and all used packing materials

A Clear Path brings together the organization and services you need to have seamless relocation. Every Clear Path client benefits from our depth of industry knowledge and broad partnership with real estate experts. Our ultimate goal with each client is to deliver unparalleled services effectively.