Psychic Debris Online Course

Psychic Debris, Crowded Closets: Declutter 101 for the Right-Brain Creative

Are you grappling with clutter? You’re not alone. This down-to-earth course is designed to help you understand the impact of physical and mental clutter on your life and guide you towards a clearer, more harmonious space. Discover where psychic debris comes from, and learn to recognize and transform unhelpful habits and behaviors.

You’ll gain access to seven lessons, all available at your own pace:

  1. Your Brain is a Powerful Tool or a Staggering Enemy
  2. Where Does Psychic Debris Come From?
  3. When Stuff Becomes the Enemy
  4. Habits, Behaviors & Consequences
  5. The Art & Practice of Positive Affirmations
  6. Got Clutter? Timing is Everything
  7. Keeping it Together: Maintaining Cleared Minds & Spaces

Purchase today for $150.